ONLY 3 is now 16 !!!!

Sounds similar to my chicken pox affliction. LOL

Since I was horrible at Math in HS my dad had to help me with my homework.


Start with your original small number (x)
Estimate a slightly higher number (y)
Add original 2 numbers to get (z)
Multiply (z) by 2.

This is the formula: x+y=2(z)

In my case it was: x=3, y=5, so to find Z we add 3+5= 8(x2) = 16

So, you see, it makes perfect sense in the end how 3 can equal 16

Did I lose anyone? LAWL!
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Oh my Chcken math it's awesome specially seeing how quickly it adds up!
I started with quails got 15 of them, then I joined this forum and kept reading and reading about quails, I discovered that you could hatch quail eggs under a silkie, so I contacted a guy, I just wanted to get 2 silkie hens from him but he said he wouldn't sell them to me unless I took a rooster too, so I ended up taking a trio, after that I started to like chickens more and more so after like a month one of the silkies went broody and I let her sit on her own eggs, but waiting 21 days for more chickens seem like an eternity so I went and got 11 grown RIRs so I was up to 14 chickens, after that I decided that I wanted to have geese too and well I order them and i was like "if I'm there gonna charge me that much for shipping I might as well get some chicks too" so I did I ordered 21 and got 22, them my silkie hen hatched 9 chicks but one died. I then ended up selling 9 of the 11 RIR I had originally bought. So now I have 5 full gronw chicken and 30 chicks and really not a whole lot space to put them in! Oh and Im also saving some of the eggs my RIRs are laying to hatched them as soon as my incubator frees up!!!!
LOL I just love the way we all can do chicken math, and we always get the right answer. Hey maybe I can become a math teacher. Nah. My original 5 have become 50.
Wow did i say that?

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