only God s creation

Roger on that De wet.Like I said. It will be interesting to say the least when we kick the bucket. Each person makes his or her choice about God.(Free will) And I know everyone gets a choice some where along the line. I love hunting, fishing and raising gamebirds too drowe005.Good luck with your choice as well. Although I cant help but feel sorry for you. I also wonder who athiests and agnostics call out for in any times of despairation or near death . I guess they dont. Faith and God cant be explained. Thats the way He made it to be. I personally cant even begin to comprehend there is no God, whether any of us believe in Him or not. Last post on this thread for me.
Where God came from cant be explained, thats true. Neither can evolution, its simply a theory. The bible is all the proof needed that a creator exist. Through my life, i've found that most athiest have never even studied the scriptures, and simply conclude God is fake. My thought for people not wanting to believe in a higher power is because they dont want to answer for anything they do that is considered immoral. They simply dont want to be governed...though they easily put faith into the governments of man, whom will never bring peace of solve the worlds problems. I believe in the bible and God, but I dont believe in the Church, most are corrupt and teach lies, and exploit the bible for money.Not all are bad though. However the scriptures foretold events that would happen in the future that eventually happened to ancient cities, and man cannot foretell the future. It also explained events that would happen in the last days before armagedon, all of those events are taking place except one prophecy that is left to be fulfilled...This is the governments turning on all religion which the bible speaks of as babylon the great. It said in the last days there will come to be a great tribulation among mankind, nation would rise against nation and there would be earthquakes, food shortages, and pestilences in one place after another. Lastly, the governments will expose false religion for what it is and wipe it out. Anyone who watches the news can see that this is already in the works, and will eventually happen. Looking at religion from outside of the box would make anyone see that the root of most wars and violence are religious based, I've studied the bible deeply all of my life, as well as many different religions, and the evidence it points out is hard to overlook. One last thing...God did say the earth was round long before wacko scientists claimed it was flat supported by elephants on giant turtles back. I have athiest friends, and I dont view them as stupid or ignorant, I would like to make that clear. Im simply explaining why I believe how I do in hopes others dont view me in that negative aspect either lol. In truth, all of us still have alot to learn, and I being that we only live once, I feel we owe it to ourselves to at least try to find out the truth about life.
Where God came from cant be explained, thats true. Neither can evolution, its simply a theory. The bible is all the proof needed that a creator exist. Through my life, i've found that most athiest have never even studied the scriptures, and simply conclude God is fake. My thought for people not wanting to believe in a higher power is because they dont want to answer for anything they do that is considered immoral. They simply dont want to be governed...though they easily put faith into the governments of man, whom will never bring peace of solve the worlds problems. I believe in the bible and God, but I dont believe in the Church, most are corrupt and teach lies, and exploit the bible for money.Not all are bad though. However the scriptures foretold events that would happen in the future that eventually happened to ancient cities, and man cannot foretell the future. It also explained events that would happen in the last days before armagedon, all of those events are taking place except one prophecy that is left to be fulfilled...This is the governments turning on all religion which the bible speaks of as babylon the great. It said in the last days there will come to be a great tribulation among mankind, nation would rise against nation and there would be earthquakes, food shortages, and pestilences in one place after another. Lastly, the governments will expose false religion for what it is and wipe it out. Anyone who watches the news can see that this is already in the works, and will eventually happen. Looking at religion from outside of the box would make anyone see that the root of most wars and violence are religious based, I've studied the bible deeply all of my life, as well as many different religions, and the evidence it points out is hard to overlook. One last thing...God did say the earth was round long before wacko scientists claimed it was flat supported by elephants on giant turtles back. I have athiest friends, and I dont view them as stupid or ignorant, I would like to make that clear. Im simply explaining why I believe how I do in hopes others dont view me in that negative aspect either lol. In truth, all of us still have alot to learn, and I being that we only live once, I feel we owe it to ourselves to at least try to find out the truth about life.

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