OOHHH NNOOO!!!! I've done it now!

Erm I find all this talk of dust odd. I raised my 10 chicks in a dog create in my lounge and apart from a little escaped shavings and a little kicked out feed didn't notice anything.

Mind you, I cleaned out the create everyday (had to, they STINK!) and I have two large indoor/outdoor dogs and 3 indoor cats so maybe I'm just used to having to vacuum the lounge every few days.

Chicks do make fabulous 'TV' many wasted hours watching them.
I had our chicks in the bathroom--actually put the container in the shower stall with the lamp and all. Made clean up each week VERY easy....just turned shower on and dust went down the drain. No one uses that bathroom, so it was convenient. But by the time they were about 6 weeks, I moved them to a larger brooder in the garage. We now have moved them at 9 weeks to their own "annex" right next to the big girl run. Will start integration in a week or so. So actually, we will have moved our chicks to four locations over a 10 week period.
I always brood my little ones indoors and haven't had a problem. Here's what I do: I had my dad make me a brooder from a cardboard box with sections for each breed. Instead of shavings to start, I use old rags laid flat over the bottom of each segment of the box. Yes, it has to be cleaned more often, but I simply put the chicks in a basket, remove the old rag, shake the rag out over the trash or outside, put it in the wash and put a new clean rag in the brooder after I use the hose attachment on the vacuum to remove any dried food/poop. Works like a charm and no dust! I have to do this process about two times a week.
I have a brooder set up in the big hen house, but it is COLD out there! My chicks arrive in 18 days. I went out this morning, and tried to plug in a heater to warm up the nursery room, but there isn't enough power out there to run it. It runs 3 heat lamps and a water heater, but not the space heater. The whole building is hard-wired into a 250' heavy-duty drop cord. I am beginning to re-think my placement of the babies. They may end up in the insulated garage....DH isn't thrilled. It was a dusty mess in his man-cave the last time.
Ideal's "Ameraucanas" are EE's. I agree with your wife, no more brooding in the house for me. Besides being messy it's not healthy. You breathe all that dust before it settles. I did 25, thought I had to. Awful.
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Congrats on the order but commiserations on not being able to brood them indoors. I absolutely love having the little fuzzy butts right in my living room where I can watch their antics every time I pass by them. (Thankful to my DH, DD and DS for being so supportive!) I have actually never noticed the dust people keep talking about though - I'm not sure why as it doesn't sound like I'm doing things that differently to anyone else. Their brooder is an old laundry tub, about 18" deep, 3" long and 18" across and I brood on Aspen shavings after the initial few days of paper towels. Anyway have fun with your new little guys when they arrive!
I love having my chicks in the guest room with a computer and TV.. I can spend lots of time with them and yes.. they are spoiled.. when they move outside and are forced to face the reality that they are indeed a chicken.. I think I shall have to pay for chicktheraphy...lol

Do what works for your situation. Luckily for me, the incubator, hatcher and brooders are all in this room together.. I get to hear peeps before they pip as well as outraged CHEEPS when one steps on another.. I love it

More eggs go into lockdown tomorrow..


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