Ooops...Got a mystery chick.


In the Brooder
8 Years
Feb 23, 2011
I recently bought 14 baby chicks. The count was suppose to be 5 Road Island Red pullets, 5 Bared Rock pullets and 4 White Leghorn pullets. So far they all look as they should IMO except of one of the RIR's...its growing white feathers haha. Plus she seams to be smaller in size compared to the other RIRs and the Rocks. Closer the size of the Leghorns which are about a week younger then the others.

Heres a pic. Anyone have an idea what she might be? Its easy to see were the confusion was from the start. She has red fur same as the other reds do. But them white feathers seam to be telling a different story:)

Thats her in the middle.


Here she is beside one of the RIRs.


And heres a pic that has nothing to do with the subject. I was trying to get a pic of the RIR standing on my knee but i took the pic as she was flying down . Though it was a cool pic.


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