Oops - chickens in the house! Your stories?

Mine are outside pets. But, if they are sick or need 'special attention' they get the best I can give them... hahahahah... yeah RIGHT!!!!!!!! it's just an excuse.

Here's 'Bird when i brought him in to trim his toenails. NO laughing.....

I remember reading this story about your girls before and I am just in awe... That is the sweetest thing in the world.

My fluffy butts at least nock at the garage door.

But that's only if I dont answer the back door.

Or leave it open by mistake... OOPS!

And they always want to stay for dinner.

Until they realize it's Kentucky Fried CHicken!!!

And then MayMay will get really mad at me.

But when one is sick they get the special treatment.

Hey MOMMA!!!!!!!!!! we are HOMMMMEEEE!!!!!!!!

Usually, they get a bath before they come to dinner. Like any good child they must wash their hands before dinner!!!!

and behave or they are fried chicken!!!!!

Daytona likes chicken soup. "if i see any carrots or celery I am OUTTA here!"

I have not taught them good table manners yet though...

ROFL! That was funny! Bwahaha! Too, too funny!

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