Oops did I get Bantams?


7 Years
Jun 1, 2017
I have a LF flock of 16 with 2 roosters. I got 3 pullets on Craigslist and posted a picture and someone said she was a bantam. They are almost 10 weeks. I’m ok if they are but my one roo is a welsummer and the other is a salmon faverolle, big boys..Could they injure them trying to mate? (if they actually catch them that is) I only have one pic for reference next to my adult buff Brahma but I see the high tail feathers and bigger eyes. I plan to integrate into my LF flock.. just worried my boys will hurt them
I dont have bantams but i do have miniature american gamefowl hens that were covered by a fully grown lf salmon faverolles rooster and they were always fine. never injured. he was a big sweet fella though and not all big roosters are so easy on there girls. a big rooster can very easily hurt a little hen if he can get ahold of her.
Since some types of meat type roosters can reach 25 or more pounds I doubt seriously that your normal roosters will injure a bantam hen. Like wise better not expect to many fertile eggs from your bantam pullets when there is that much difference in size between the rooster and the hen because things may not align properly.

I've said it before but it has been some time so I will repeat it! "Mother nature cheated either the rooster or the hen, I will leave it up to your imagination to decide which. The reason is because cockerels and roosters completely lack a penis."
Looks like an EE. The LF version is not very large. Compare what they weigh with a description.

Here is a weight chart for adults

I think it depends on the rooster. Our previous Buff Orpington rooster was aggressive with us and the girls. He flat out stomped all of the girls he could catch and really stomped my poor little Easter Egger that is pretty much Banty sized.

Our new rooster is the complete opposite. He is calm and sweet. He has only really mated gently with the girls. No loud squawking and feathers flying. He also takes no for an answer and has had his butt whooped by my little Easter Egger. I think the rooster’s personality has a lot to do with it.
If the boys are gentle they will be fine. I just had my silver duckwing old English game bantam hatch 3 chicks mixed with a standard black austrolorp. My hen is only about a pound if that and the rooster is like 8 x her and at least 13lbs and she was just fine. I am curious to see how her chicks turn out bantam or not. Anyway they will be fine. I have multiple roosters Bantam and standard and all my hens bantam and standard are fine. However if it was the reverse Bantam rooster on regular hen they just do not fit on them and just mate there back lol.

Looks like an EE. The LF version is not very large. Compare what they weigh with a description.

Here is a weight chart for adults

View attachment 1564849
I stand corrected they are miniature America breeds. Could I see the whole chart link? The girl in the picture is a welsummer. I also have a blue copper maran and buff Brahma.


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