OOPSY! Need nesting box help please.


Sep 12, 2020
Ya know, just when you think you’ve got it GOIN’ ON, you find you don’t! Uggh. Okay so I’m having trouble with hens laying all OVER the danged place it feels like, so I started really checking into nesting boxes and my hen to box ratio is good but I think my boxes are set too high. I’ve got the at more than three get from floor and my roosting poles are level with the nests. Should I rearrange so boxes are at 2 feet and roosts at least 6 inches above? Finally my ladies are definitely sleeping in their boxes. Should I block entry from dusk to dawn? Thanks all!
They're probably too high especially in relation to the roosts, which is causing them to sleep in there. Are they laying yet? If not, you can block them around the clock for now. If they are laying, then block them just before dusk, and unblock at night so they can use them the next morning.

I have my nests just above ground level, so the girls just walk in. Works for me, but not everyone likes bending down to get eggs.

Any photos of your set up?
Nests in my coops are about 6 inches above floor and accessible from outside coops.

To prevent them from sleeping in nests block them an hour before sunset and unblock when dark inside coop or by sunrise.

Put fake eggs or golf balls in nests, hint, hint chickens, nests aren't for sleeping.
Mine are over 3 feet high, but the near-by roosts are higher. They use one of the 3 high boxes regularly - the most private one. Their back-up is a secluded cardboard box on the coop floor. Chicken logic of some kind! Besides the previous good suggestions, you might evaluate your boxes in terms of privacy.

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