Opa's place -Where an old rooster visits with friends

Didn't get much sleep last night. Granny got to coughing so severely that I would up taking her to the emergency room. Turns out her cold has morph into bronchitis. They gave her a ton of medicines to take and an inhaler to inprove her breathing. The whole deal wound up taking 4 hours out of my night but at least she is improving. It did make for today feeling exceptionally long.
Oh no, I'm really sorry to hear that. Hopefully those meds will kick in quickly and she will get better very soon. Hope you all get some much needed rest tonight.
Okay Sam, time to play boss to your mom! Make her behave, and all 3 of you take a day off for rest and recovery. Hope health issues improve soon,
to all.
Aww... poor Granny! Tell her I hope she feels better real soon, and that will be possible cuz her loving son will be taking such good care of her!! Make her stay in bed and rest.
Well, no doubt about it, Goldie, the buff bantam cochin in my avatar, has gone broody. I left her some older eggs just to see if she'd settle down, and she did, so this is Day 2 on fresh eggs. I gave her 8 eggs- yesterday afternoon, she had 10! Stealing eggs! How she got them in the cage is a mystery to me.

Sure is a bright and sunny morning. To bad it is so cold still. It's barely above freezing. I've got to take care of all the branches from the tree I cut and then rake the area to get the gazillion little branches that broke off. Then mow the lawn and sweep it. It's growing so irregular that some spots barely need cut while others are approaching baling stage.

Granny is much improved but now it looks like Hope may be coming down with the same coughing crud. She has started on a regime of medicines so hopefully it won't be as severe.

I've got one hen of indeterminate age that suddenly is unable to walk. I've placed her in a separate cage where food and water are more readily accessable. I've given her Poultry Drench and 2 shot of penicillin and she seems fine other than her inability to walk. This is the third day and she's still going so I may wait a few more days to see if she improves or if I must terminate her.
aww, look at her fluffy grouchy self! Take away her little mini shopping basket and you shouldn't have any more egg stealing problems!

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