Opa's place -Where an old rooster visits with friends

are you all hatched out?

Well DH has decided to come down with the same crud that the kids had last week so I am playing my Florence Nightingale part again today. They were an awful lot easier to look after mind you......
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not hatch out exactly jus gonna have a busy time settling back into work after almost 12 months off lol and i'll have my silkies im not sure about the faverolles yet they just dont look right under candling cant explain it but i dont think i'll be holding out much hope for them which is a shame but oh well i dont mind
i will ba happy if one egg hatchs good and healthy silkies frizzles and sizzles due the 30th so on countdown now really
cant wait but i know when there due im gonna have to stay out of the house as much as possible or i'll be panic central
Morning everyone. Hope you are all doing well.
Opa-I hope by now that Granny is doing a lot better. So sorry she had to visit the ER.
Sally-I have a broody right now and it is driving me NUTS! Poor girl.
Fairybee-as far as the picture of Goldie goes-
Not a whole lot happening down here the last few days-which is fine by me.

Hope the day treats you all well.
I was a little surprised that I had no takers on my offer of free bantam hatching eggs. I now am fighting the urge to fill to incubators with blue orpington, vorwerk, and spangled hamburg eggs.
Good day all,

Fairy, I loved the add-ons to the pic! Everyone here has a good sense of humor, not to worry!

I picked up the 13 rescue RIR's last night, just got a quick pic. The brooder is a bit small, so this morning they will get a bigger brooder and a waterer that actually works. There are 13 after all, so probably at least 3 are roos.


Goldie is a stubborn broody, I have to crowbar her off the nest twice a day. She's my first ever, Sheila, and I have no clue what I'm doing!

Opa, what's the latest on you, Granny and Hope?
I am resisting the urge to hatch, Sam, since I am beyond my capacity already!
I hadn't planned on the RIRs at all! And with Goldie guarding 10 eggs, I may really be in trouble!
We've got one ten year old house we are working on for the new owners, making repairs, adding shelving, installing some new doors, and a variety of items to reflect their tastes. One of the things we are going to have to do is replace the current front door. Since they aren't into hunting they feel the existing door doesn't reflect their lifestyle. They claim this door makes them feel like they are walking into Cabela's everytime they come home.

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