Opa's place -Where an old rooster visits with friends

So many 'rh' inserts! :hmm

Good morning, all. I still have to do my writing class homework... Dumb stomach bug.
Hope you are feeling better PK.

Well my first hatch in the Rcom went pretty well I think. Out of the 13 eggs that made it to lockdown, 11 hatched. Unfortunately one came out with it's insides on the outside but I have 10 very fluffy fat fuzzies running round the brooder. I have some more eggs coming this week so round 2 should be starting at the weekend.

Thistle, beautiful chicks. I think it's time to fill that incubator and get serious. No one on the side of the pond is awake yet, care for a cup of coffee with me?
It has been uncomfortably hot here but I've managed to stay cool.
Today is supposed to be in the low 90's again but on Thursday it's predicted to cool off substantially.
I think I have found homes for most, if not all of the new chicks but I am wondering if I should keep them after all. I had forgotten how fun it was to brood them yourself, haven't hatched any since last year, been making the hens do all the work this year. While it is much easier to use the hens it's just not quite as satisfying.
I've always brooded them myself but I did have a broody bantam this summer that I allowed to sit. Unfortunately only one chick made it and having the hen to take care of it sure has been easier on me and I'm sure it's been better for the chick.
Rebecca, Scott's SO, had a her car broken into. She had case with $250 worth of music cd's stolen and a 3" tall plastic Jesus that had belonged to her Grandmother. She hated losing her music but losing a daily reminder of her grandmother upset her the most. Scott works for a newspaper and placed an ad offering a reward for the return of the plastic Jesus. He keeps changing the ad to interject humor into the situation and now many people call the newspaper commenting on funny they think the plastic Jesus ads are. As soon as he returns home he is going to send me the ads so I can post them here. So keep checking for the upcoming "plastic Jesus" posts.
Bummer deal! My cousin in Florida had her car broken into a couple days ago in her driveway. The electronic device they stole, was broken and they made a mess taking it out. She went to the pawn shops and found it, they are holding it until the police deside to investigate.

I hope the person will have the decencey to return the plastic Jesus. Kind of an oximoron with them stealing and taking Jesus with them....hummm

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