Opa's place -Where an old rooster visits with friends

We only got enough snow to be able to say it was snowing. I'm not disappointed though as copious amounts will soon be here in spite of the spring like weather we are currently experiencing.

How are the rheas doing? I sure wish that I had enough space to get some emus. Actually I have enough land but township ordinances keep me from erecting anymore structures so housing would be the problem. I sure wish that I had sold this place when the market was at its zenith. Now I don't think I could sell it for what I owe so I guess I willl probably be living here until they slam the lid.
Iwish we had snow here in South Carolina. Im originally from Scotland, moved over here 7 years ago. The heat here kills me. Oh to go back home and breath in COLD fresh air and have my cheeky stinging from the cold, wet and wind
They are doing good thanks. They have outgrown the wee paddock that they are in so we are going to have to move them to the big field quite soon. They have been sleeping outside for the last month or so now, the weather doesn't seem to affect them at all. While they desperately need the extra room, I am not looking forward to hauling buckets of water up when the snow comes.
GFS, I'm in SC too, south of Charleston in Hollywood. Just looked up Waterloo, we're about 3.5 hours away. Seems like most of the SC chicken folks are upstate. At least we're not suffering the heat and humidity right now, it was 33F when I got up this morning! I see you've got quite the menagerie, sounds like never a dull moment.

Opa, get that snowblower tuned and ready to go, the MI people are counting on you to keep the snow away - as long as it's ready, no snow!

Highlander, congrats on the duckies! Hope that last one decided to join the rest of the drakes!
I went into true lockdown this morning, had to fiddle with the humidity last night.

Little JarJar needs some pals, he's starting to act badly. Thinks he's quite the tough guy!
Welcome to Opa's. Where in Scotland are you from?

Fae the BlooToon

Peterheid? Wow, we are close! Or at least we would be if you were still here
Morning again!

Highlander, you got more ducks? They're so cute! What are you going to name them?
Opa, yes, keep the snow blower tuned up and ready to go.
Gofasterstripe, welcome to Opa's!

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