Opa's place -Where an old rooster visits with friends

Checked the birds this morning and nothing is happening in the incubator. I put the broody and her two chicks in the tractor and they seem quite content. Checked the waterers and feeders so everyone is set for the day.

Our rainfall was two inches under average for June and July is going to be even further under unless we start getting rain. I've started watering the apple trees to hopefully give them what they need to produce decent sized apples this year. Looks like we should have a decent crop but drought will certainly affect the quality.

Today the heat index is going to be over 100. Doesn't Mother Nature realize that this is Michigan not Louisianna.
Hotter and humid here today, but there is a nice breeze popping in now and then! Love that part, but it looks like we may get a thunderstorm and y'all know how much I like those!

My middle pen/coop of 12 is down to 10. I have lost another DBH blue hen to something. Bless my DH, he generally takes the remains out and buries it for me. I guess more reinforcement is in order, but I'll just have to risk it until I get back from FL. No time to waste.

So tomorrow I am headed south, no matter what. DH is pretty competent, hopefully the critters won't give him too much trouble!

I am NOT going to miss the opportunity to meet the infamous Highlander!
How kind of your husband!
Have fun in Florida, and would you tell Highlander I say hello, please?
Evening folks! Its just plain old fashioned hot here!!! Ranchie have a good time in Florida; Give my regards to Highlander and a big howdy too... my girls are there on vacation and said it was 73 degrees today...
Mama G I have taken your advice to heart and am trying to have some time each day alone! BP is a little better, so it must be working.
We have been busy with the garden and canning most days; our fryers are ready so we will start that project tomorrow. Added bigger fans to the chicken houses today and shade cloths on the sunny sides hopefully to help cool it down a bit. Looks like we are in for a rough hot week. Lost a hen last week, and am almost sure it was the excessive heat that day. Even giving fresh cold water 4 times a day doesn't seem to help sometimes; dug some holes today to put water in for foot cooling too. They have me trained I guess.
PC hope that things are better for you....hang in there!! We all care about you.

Hope all is well with everyone else, almost time to go fasten up the chicken houses.....have a great evening!!
I will NOT be deterred by a named tropical storm, Bret, just east of Dad's house on the coast of FL. According to the weather network, it is going to go southeast or northeast. As a general rule, that means it will power up to hurricane strength and head due west.
Hopefully, they'll be accurate for once.
Remember last winter when everyone was grumbling about how cold it was? Now we came all shift to our "I can't believe how hot it is" grumbling. It sure has gotten hot and I'm officially complaining about it. The heat index for the next several days is supposed to be in excess of 100 and the newcasters keep talking about how dangerous that is, especially for old people. That sounds like a pretty good excuse for me to not do anything.

I've got to go tear a 12x32' deck apart for a customer and I think I'd better go before it gets much hotter. I don't think I can get it done before it gets to warm so I may have to stretch it out over serveral days. I hate doing that but the customer will just have to accept the fact that it is going to take longer to finish the job than was originally planned.

Before go I have to check the incubator to see if anything is happening. I'm not very optimistic after having screwed up the lock down date. Yesterday morning one egg out of the 24 had pipped but when I checked last night it appeared to have quit. It sure is aggravating to lose that many, especially since 21 of the eggs were Welsummer eggs from a breeder in New York. The plan was to hatch chicks from the same line as my birds and use these new chicks to reinforce the good qualities that my line of birds have. Oh well, so goes the plans of mice and men.

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