Opa's place -Where an old rooster visits with friends

We are doing fine thank you. Up north here we didn't get it as bad this time round, just a couple of broken windows and a lot of debris. They had it a lot worse in the central belt this time. Wind is picking up again tonight but we are all done for the day and the fire is on so it's all good! Thank you for asking!
I'm glad to hear things are going well with you. A fire is always welcome this time of the year, wind or not!
I'm sure glad that my daughter Thistle isn't experiencing the extreme high winds she had before. I would hate to think of her having to row her chicken coop across the North Sea to get back home.

It's been a sad week. I've attended a funeral on each of the last two days and while death is a reality of life it is never something we are ready for. In both cases dementia was something they and their familes were having to deal with. While you can logically say that it is for the better it is now less difficult on the families.

The weather here has been nothing short of amazing and tomorrow is supposed to be sunny and reach 48 degrees. With those kind of conditions sitting in a boat should be just what I need to brighten my outlook. I've called my fishing friend and we are all set for tomorrow so wish me luck.
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We are doing fine thank you. Up north here we didn't get it as bad this time round, just a couple of broken windows and a lot of debris. They had it a lot worse in the central belt this time. Wind is picking up again tonight but we are all done for the day and the fire is on so it's all good! Thank you for asking!

WOW! Talk about harsh climates!

I often wonder how those men in kilts keep warm and dry or they just put up with it all. I can not help thinking about Rob Roy movie (Liam Neelson) and Braveheart all rolled in one. The pictures in the movies are goreous! I would love to visit the battlefields. Have they had reenactments there?
We are doing fine thank you. Up north here we didn't get it as bad this time round, just a couple of broken windows and a lot of debris. They had it a lot worse in the central belt this time. Wind is picking up again tonight but we are all done for the day and the fire is on so it's all good! Thank you for asking!

WOW! Talk about harsh climates!

I often wonder how those men in kilts keep warm and dry or they just put up with it all. I can not help thinking about Rob Roy movie (Liam Neelson) and Braveheart all rolled in one. The pictures in the movies are goreous! I would love to visit the battlefields. Have they had reenactments there?

Yes, there are reenactment groups here. http://schiltron.squarespace.com/ http://www.glasgowvikings.co.uk/index%20page.htm
haven't visited many battlefields, but the one that stands out is Culloden. ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Culloden ) It's just a field, nothing amazing to look at but the minute you step onto that ground something changes. It's like the air gets suddenly thick and oppressive and you struggle to breathe, and the hairs all over your body stand on end. I can't expain it and it's not terribly pleasant but it's an emotional and amazing experience.
Thistle, I know just what you mean. I've been to several battlefields that at first seem innocuous until you start thinking about the carnage, the deaths, the young lives wasted, and it suddenly starts to feel overwhelming.

I've got my alarm set for 5am so I can go fishing. More than early enough for anyone to get up, so whey do I awake at 3am wide awake?
Beats me! I have no idea what 3am looks like and no desire to either! I wish you luck on your trip though, New Year, new lucky streak?

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