Opa's place -Where an old rooster visits with friends

I feel all warm and mushy now!
I think I was smart to go fishing instead of trying to deal with the changes. Took quite awhile to log in and even longer to find this thread. Type a reply and somehow lost it and had to start over. The steelhead I caught weighed 5 1/2 pounds and was the only fish we took. We were ready to quit since it was a two hour trip back to the boat launch. We had decided that we would fish one last run and the fish hit 10' from the end.
Oh my, I must admit, this new format is *frustrating*. Kicked me off without logging off, took forever to send a message; wonder if this will even post.

Other than that, hope all is well with everyone....I don't get on here much, but it may be less and less now, (stop cheering!) No smiley's that will work!!!! Oh well, kinda like Facebook, which they would just have left it alone. Guess I am just an old crumudgeon (sp?). Have a good evening!!!!!!
So far using this new format has been a pain. One keystroke from finishing a post and it disappeared. Same thing happened yesterday. There must be some place out in cyberspace that is jam packed with lost posts.

Yesterday fishing without a heavy coat, tomorrow 4 inches of snow. What a strange winter.
Morning all! Hope everyone is getting used to the new format. I have to say overall I'm liking it.

Did you get your snow Sam? If so, I hope you are going to keep it to yourself this time! We have blue sky and green grass today and I'd really like it to stay that way!

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