Opa's place -Where an old rooster visits with friends

Thanks for all the good thoughts. I am going back to Ohio tomorrow for a short time. 24/7 caregiving for this long with no help or breaks has me burned out. Her caregiver started yesterday so I have had a chance to watch her with Mom and feel like it will work out. Going home to see my critters and get my early garden plants and seeds in then will return to CA. My DH needs some attention too
. She has good days and bad days. I plan on coming back in 10 days if she is doing well or sooner if necessary.
Bright and sunny here today but the high never passed 45 and now it's supposed to drop another 20 degrees tonight. After all of the 70 and 80 degree temperatures we had it feels almost arctic. I had placed some chicks out in a tractor and they certainly seemed to be enjoying their new found freedom, but with these temps I pulled them out, put them back in the coop work area under a heat lamp.

One thing I enjoy about spring is being able to look out the great room windows and watch the turkeys in the back yard. Today at least 30 spent the day grazing on the clover. Six big toms kept us entertained with their strutting. At times they are within 5 feet of the house and the furthest is no more than 80 yards. Having them close enough to watch their heads changing colors and their snoods change in size is quite a spectacle. I wish my father was still alive so he could have enjoyed them as well. His last year or two he spent hours watching the birds come to his feeders. Turkeys would have been the ultimate visitors.
Is it true God won't give you more than you can handle? Yesterday, after I checked in to my flight online I had a call from my brother. He was in the hospital for what he thought might be a stroke. It turned out to be a Brain tumor. We can't tell my Mom. I won't know till I get home tonight.My sil says the Dr.s told her it doesn't look good. He just spent two days having mother's finances put in his control. I am in Phoenix airport now waiting for my flight to Columbus. I will parobably have only a few days at home before I need to return to figure out how to pay Mom's bills.
Is it true God won't give you more than you can handle? Yesterday, after I checked in to my flight online I had a call from my brother. He was in the hospital for what he thought might be a stroke. It turned out to be a Brain tumor. We can't tell my Mom. I won't know till I get home tonight.My sil says the Dr.s told her it doesn't look good. He just spent two days having mother's finances put in his control. I am in Phoenix airport now waiting for my flight to Columbus. I will parobably have only a few days at home before I need to return to figure out how to pay Mom's bills.
I does certainly appear that he is giving you a plateful. While our prayers need to continue on behalf of your mother, and now your brother, we all need to make sure we ask that he give you the strength necessary to get through all that you must bear.
rrrmammma,it does in deed seem that your plate is full(or overfull), but the spirit will rise to the occasion! Have faith in yourself and realize that a lot of us are helping anyway we can!
Sunshine is on tap for today although it is a little on the brisk side. Weather more typical of March rather than what we had last week. The warm spell we had may wreck havoc with a lot of the trees and flowers but it is too early to tell just how much.

One thing chore I had yesterday was one that I've never had to accomplish in March before was mowing my lawn. In some areas the grass had merely turned green and in other it had grown enough to be approaching baling stage.

One task I hope to complete today is installing a 20' tall flag pole. Granny likes to put the flag out each day weather permitting. While I have had a flag bracket mounted on the house, I think she would enjoy having a much larger flag on a pole. When she lived in Kentucky her neighbors used to watch to see if her flag was flying. If it wasn't they would call to check on her. Just the other day she was talking about that and I thought while she is visiting one of my brothers I would install a flag pole for her.
Sam that is one thing we did for my late father-in-law. We put a 20 foot flag pole in his front yard. As a veteran of WWII and a Liberator of Dachau, the flag meant a lot to him.

The last thing we did, when we moved him in with us, was to lower the flag he was flying, at half staff, in honor of a local soldier who had just been killed in the war.

Now that he is gone, that flag is especially treasured.
Sunshine is on tap for today although it is a little on the brisk side. Weather more typical of March rather than what we had last week. The warm spell we had may wreck havoc with a lot of the trees and flowers but it is too early to tell just how much.

One thing chore I had yesterday was one that I've never had to accomplish in March before was mowing my lawn. In some areas the grass had merely turned green and in other it had grown enough to be approaching baling stage.

One task I hope to complete today is installing a 20' tall flag pole. Granny likes to put the flag out each day weather permitting. While I have had a flag bracket mounted on the house, I think she would enjoy having a much larger flag on a pole. When she lived in Kentucky her neighbors used to watch to see if her flag was flying. If it wasn't they would call to check on her. Just the other day she was talking about that and I thought while she is visiting one of my brothers I would install a flag pole for her.

Sam, That picture is sooooo true, the grass seems to grow right behind him!
The DH started mowing the back 1.5 acres yesterday after supper. I will try and get the front done today. We can't put it off any longer, like you said, baling may be needed!

Granny will love the flag pole, and, of course, we'll need a picture!!

rrrmamma, I will be praying for you and your family.

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