Opa's place -Where an old rooster visits with friends

The twins were here this evening and immediately after eating they both had a strained look on theri faces, and then a relaxed look. There wa nothing appealing about that baby smell.
Not THAT smell!
It goes with the territory LOL!

Its the baby smell...........the lotions, soaps, etc. Hmmmmmmmmm!

WOW 5000 posts! Way to go Opa!
5000 posts. Pretty hard to believe that it has gotten this high. I am fortunate that I have made some wonderful friends who will abide an old man's rambling.
Much to my surprise I've managed to read through all the posts and feel some what in touch with what happened during my absence. Last Saturday I got to watch Morgan compete in a sanctioned rodeo. While she didn't place she continues to improve her times and I think it won't be much longer til she is able to compete at her's horse's ability.
My daughter in law Elizabeth is becoming quite a good photographer and the next day after the rodeo we reviewed the pictures she had taken. The thing I enjoyed most about her pictures was the look of intense concentration on the faces of the contestants as they competed.

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