Opa's place -Where an old rooster visits with friends

I wish I lived near enough to some of the BYCer's I know to go and visit. That would be really nice to go talk chicken with someone in real life. All my friends and family don't have chickens and are not interested in talking about them.

Hope everyone enjoys this beautiful day no matter what their plans are.
Morning all-didn't sleep very well last night so still trying to wash the cobwebs out with some strong coffee.
Hi, Amy.
Caycee the idea of putting on leathers makes me shudder! If I can't wear my jeans and old Justin boots, I'm all out! LOL
Opa what kind of chicks are you getting? It sounds like you have a beautiful variety based on reading some of your posts.
Sally sadly, you are probably correct-I'd be right there racing riding lawn mowers down the street with you. Sounds sad coming from a 43 year old woman, doesn't it? Guess you have to make your own fun.
Mamagardener I totally agree with you-you can only talk about chickens with someone that is tired of hearing about them for so long before their eyes glaze over.
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Opa- That is too funny! I hope you are able to get what you would like from the hatchery!

PK- You would get along great with my daughter. I am going to make an account for her. She is 13 and chicken crazy. We homeschool too, the kids at church don't get why have chickens when there are boys. The 4-H kids share her enthusiasm though

Heading out to clean up dog dodo. Jack is ready to golf and set up his kick ball diamond and the dog stuff is in the way!

Opa, you are so right about Granny visiting Cayce! She's going to LOVE it!
Hi Granny!
And I suspect you'll be getting a yak soon? I can see it being like the chicken story - just 3-4 hens for fresh eggs.......
Just one little yak for Granny..........

MamaG, I know what you mean. Friends and family aren't interested. But, I have found chickens to be very helpful at getting away from door to door solicitors and telephone marketers. There's always a way to bring the conversation around to chickens and they usually leave me alone pretty quickly.

Hi AmyJ, I just got 3 mallards and one unidentified this past Monday. Got any mallard tips? I just adore the messy little devils!

Sarah, I hear ya on the post dog cleanup. I'm pretty lucky, the boys usually go into a little grove of anise trees we have in the back yard.

Sheila, only 43? So how do you think it sounds coming from a soon to be 54 year old!
I think it sound great at any age!

Hi PK!

Well the ailing DH is awake at last, so I can start on the noisy chores.
to those I didn't name!
Got some weird vertigo thing going on this morning-YUCK!
Need to go clean out my hospital cage, clean out nest boxes, laundry, and on and on, just can't get motivated.
Opa I drilled and cleaned out the emu eggs this morning. The shells seem really thin compared to what I have seen in the past-they did crack just a bit(I guess stress fractures) right at the point I drilled. I have them drying right now. Hopefully they will be ready and dry to get out tomorrow.
Well, guess I'll stumble back out and do something productive.
Good morning (almost afternoon!) to all!
Its a nice sunny, mostly warm day today.

Motivation isnt my fortet (sp?) this morning either,lol.
Sheila, you will have to post a pic of those emu eggs...if you havent already, I can be sorta brain dead.(Okay, often more than sorta...shhhhhh.....
Hope everyone elses day is going well.
Opa and Granny, come hungry for yak burgers tomorrow. I think I've still got some roasts left, so I'll one home with you.

PK, you remind me of my daughter, too. She's a huge fan of Japanese anime, and also prefers to hang with the grown-ups than with her peers.

MamaG, I see that you're in Mass. DH and I visit CN/Mass several times per year, as DH's family is there. Next time we go up that way, I'll gove you a heads up. Maybe we can meet somewhere and talk chicken.
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