Opa's place -Where an old rooster visits with friends

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I am craving Yak burgers now! Can I come?
OK Maggie, hold on here a sec and I'll post a pic of those emu eggs...


I put a couple of Lakenvelder and a couple of Australorp eggs in for comparison.
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Please do Sheila!

I am taking a break, was out working in the dog yard, it looks better already.

Oh, forgot to mention I am setting 60 quail eggs (mexican speckled, coturnix and bobwhites) tonight or on the morning.
I have a LOT better luck with those than with button quail.
I had coturnix laying last year and sold them. I was an idiot.
Wow, Maggie, you'll be able to start your own quail farm(that's what DH wants to do
Posted the eggs in my post above. I THINK they would fit in a regular incubator. My sister has a cabinet incubator that she hatches them in-she has 3 babies that have hatched in the last 3 days and MAN are they cute!
I must admit, the Yak Burgers scare me a little, ya'll. The strangest thing in my freezer is deer meat and fish that we caught!
Oh, they are beautiful!!! I SO want to hatch a couple next year!!! I wanted this year but have my hands full.
Sheila, as soon as they are old enough to start laying eggs, you can have as many as you want!!! I would gladly give them to you.
Actually Yak burgers might be interesting. I have never had them, but I have had Beef-alo. And they sure cant taste any worse than rattlesnake...(which actually doesnt taste bad.) Sigh. Try raising 5 kids in West Texas, you usually eat what doesnt try to eat you first,lol.

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