Opa's place -Where an old rooster visits with friends

That is so true. The sun is so brutal down here in the summer that the only thing that retains color is me!
Well watch how much sun you get. I didn't and skin cancer sure isn't any fun. One reason I wear a big cowboy hat is to try to keep the sun off my hide. I have one palm straw cowboy hat that is exceptionally large. I had a fella stop me once to comment that it was biggest 10 gallon hat he'd ever seen. Told him when you have ears like mine that a 10 gallon hat don't cast a big enough shadow so I had to get something bigger.
YakLady congrats on the new baby-it is so precious!
Bet that was a bit scary, though.
Opa DH battled skin cancer this past summer-it was frightening to say the least.
Ohhh that baby yak is gorgeous! What a lovely surprise!

Well i guess they deleted a lot of old RR threads, I'm down 3500 posts!
Whoa! No kidding, I'm down about 8000. The Castle thread was deleted, that's what most of it was.

DH comes home today,
He's on very light duty for a while, but swears he's going to till the garden if he has to sit there with a tablespoon! Guess that means I had best get to it.

Growling yaks?
What a cute calf!

Hi everybody
Thanks, all. Yep...growling yak. I never would have believed it was possible. I went out this morning to check on things, and Zelda was at the hay ring with her baby. The hay ring is close to a fence, so I was able to safely get close to them and watch through the fence. Zelda gave me a few head shakes and grunts, but nothing nearly as aggressive as yesterday. The baby was so cute!!!! It's a girl. She was leaping and bucking, playing in the hay. She had her little tail up, so I could get a good look. That little pink nose just cracks me up! LOL! It's also funny how much she looks like my new baby lamb, Charlie. I took these pics this morning of my son, with Charlie.



For comparison, here's the pic of the new baby yak:


Isn't that funny? They have the same eye patches.
Gray deary morning but any day this side of the grass is a good one.

Caycee congratulations on the new yak

Sally does Todd come home today?

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