Opa's place -Where an old rooster visits with friends

So THAT's why I lost about 1500 posts! Darn it!

Cute baby yaks, Yaklady!
Early afternoon all. With spring here, the days sure get busier, don't they.
Sally glad your DH will be home today.
YakLady such cute pics you posted.
Maggie here is my lonely little Lakenvelder chick that hatched last night.


He/she is very quiet for a single chick. She seems to like that stuffed rabbit and took right to it.
Think my hatch is done. Nothing from the Serama or Sizzle eggs at all. I'm going to give my other Lakenvelder another day or two and then I'm turning off the incubator for awhile.
Hope you all have a great day!
I think that after Tuesday morning I should be able to avoid the urge to buy chicks when I go into feed stores. 90 chicks are due to show up here.
Just came from the hospital. I have an 85 year old bachelor friend who called to let me know where he is at and that he thought they were going to release him and could I come and take him home. Of course I dropped everything and went to check on him. The doctor came while I was there and while my old friend wanted to go home I convinced that if the doctor felt he should stay at least one more day he should.

He and I have been friends with for 33 years. I hunt on his farm and over the years have helped him as much as possible. He is included in family dinners at the holidays and he is a treasured addition to our table. When I first met him his father and older brother were still living but now it's down to just him. Anytime he sick I'm the one he calls but helping him is something I gladly do. He has a nephew that rarely visited in the past, but in the last few years he started visiting more often.

I suspected why he was starting to come around more and this fall my suspicions were validated. The nephew came during hunting season and stayed with his uncle the entire time. He convinced his uncle to establish a living trust that transfers the property and money to him upon the old mans death. The ink wasn't even hardly dry on the papers and he left to go to Florida for the winter. He knows his uncle is old and in failing health yet he leaves.

I don't want anything from him except his friendship and I will continue to help him and see that he gets to the doctors when necessary hoping that I can aid in his outliving his money grubbing nephew.
Sheila, what a precious little chick!

Opa, 90 chicks??? Yep, I think that would curb the urge a bit,lol.

And it sounds as if you have been a very good friend to that man for 33 years. Not many friends like that who will stick through good and bad.
I had two sets of company today (thats BIG for me because I usually go on most days here just seeing my daughter or maybe someone at the post office!). First was my friend Janett and her little boy. We had a lot of fun talking, then she took some pictures of the "haunted" room just for kicks to see if anything came up.(Story behind that. An old school teacher was supposed to have lived in this house long ago and died in that room.)
Next was my oldest daughter and her boyfriend. They surprised me by bringing by some things she knew we always need. And I dont know WHAT she said to my youngest daughter, but after they left I cleaned out the refrigerator and she started doing dishes.(Who are you and what have you done with my daughter??????
Probably told her she needs to help me more. My oldest tends to fuss over me more since I dont have as much energy as I did before I got sick.
I do know we might be getting a car from them because her boyfriends parents are possibly giving him one of theirs.
At least I will get to help them out too by taking care of their dogs while they are on vacation.

Going offine for now, take care all.
Opa if I had 90 plus chicks headed my way, I would have no problem staying away from a feed store selling chicks.
As far as your bachelor friend goes, words fail me at the greed in the world and lack of family anymore.
When my grandmother died a few years ago, my aunt's children had ransacked her belongings and bank account before I even got to Kentucky for the funeral. They were vultures who circled waiting for her to pass and then pounce(when in life, they made cruel jokes about her). I told them I wanted nothing but my memories of her and they could shove everything else. Sorry to personalize your post, but that is one that hit close to home for me.
The fact that folks like your friend's nephew can get up and look at himself in the mirror in the mornings is a sad testament to what has happened to the institution of our families anymore.
OK, hang on, climbing down off my soapbox to say I hope you all had a wonderful day!
Shelia, you have no need to apologize, hopefully, Opa's Place will become a thread where friendships develop and we share how we feel about things thereby getting to know each other better.

Friends are to be cherished and I feel that if you don't sometimes have to work at it then really it's nothing more than someone you know. My best friend and I have known each other since 1960. If you have a very close friend for that long you are fortunate, but it also means that you also have been a friend.

Today I trimmed the emu eggs and the largest egg had a crack that required I remove 3/4" from the bottom. The piece I cut off I then used for practice carving trying to get a feel for how much pressure I can apply and how deep I can carve before breaking through. I have read that the technique required to carve them would be best described as trying to pet a butterfly with a feather.
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Morning everyone. Had a bit of trouble sleeping so just went ahead and got up.
Maggie how nice of your older daughter-she must have been raised right.
Sounds like she's a good girl.
How nice of them to offer you their other car. We need to break down and get DH a new truck, but the price of a new American made vehicle is out of sight right now.
Opa thank you for what you said and I agree-sometimes I tend to speak out of turn without meaning to about things I feel passionately about.
I went and looked at my other emu eggs from several years ago and the shells on them were much thicker than the ones I sent you-you probably could have carved on these with a chisel and they would have been OK.
YakLady thanks for the comment about my little Lakenvelder chick. She's really a sweet little thing(notice I am calling her she.
, just getting spoiled).
Guess DH and I will go out to the poultry show at the South Texas State Fair tonight. I am just terrified of carrying something home to my birds no matter how careful I try to be.
Hope you all have a good morning.

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