Opa's place -Where an old rooster visits with friends

Hi everybody,

It's been a little crazier than usual here at the ranchette. DH is home and healing well. He's bored but has managed to do a little puttering around outside and in the shop.

He took notes while I sorted roosters and hens yesterday, applying leg bands as I went. The first 16 were easy, but when a roo decided to take flight with me still attached to him! Arse over teacup, down in the muddy run and poo, landed on my bad hip. Came up cussing and swearing revenge, And grabbed that little hmm-hmm again. He's lucky that little leg band isn't around his neck!

Opa, you will be shocked to hear that most of the terrible 21 are hens!
Who'da thunk it possible?

Hi Insider, how have you been? Have you made the big move yet?

Fatboys, nice to see you, I have missed ya! How's life in the neighbor state?

Yak cutness abounds, love that pink nose!

I'm still hobbling around and it's gotten chilly, so I think I'll spend the day in the kitchen- I can practically just stand in one spot in the middle and reach everything from there! That's the good side of having a tiny kitchen!
Ditto on the pics, Sir Whosit!
One of these days I'm going to point the truck west and come see ya!
Sure is a great way to start a morning. It's cold, 28 degrees, but the sun is shining brightly and to discover that old friends like Terri and Fatboy have come to visit makes it even brighter. The pictures of the new yak bull are certainly wonderful, but the mental picture I have of Sally sitting in the mud will keep me smiling all day.
Goodness gracious, what a fine gathering on a Saturday morn!

Cayce, why are you always talking a lot of bull?
(sorry, I just could NOT resist!)

Sir WAL, I would love to hear some more of your stories.

Glad I could make your day and the phone is working.

Hi Steff, thanks. I didn't really get twitchy until they said blood poisoning.
, good morning! I was wandering the halls of BYC, and noticed that no one had touched the snack I left on the kitchen table
, so came over here to wave at ya!

Now, I need to go walking with eastbaychicks and her DH at a nearby reservoir. Then, I will start to peck away at my spring break to-do list.

Ranchie, I didn't hear about the blood poisoning part.
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Okay, since the cat is "outtathebag", I proclaim a fiesta day!

Sir WSL, you are in charge of the pulled pork BBQ. Mustard sauce, please.

Sheila, toss that brisket on, willya hun?

Orpie, how about some veggies for grilling?

PK, need some of your fab bread sticks?

Cayce, yak burgers?

Laura, I'd bet you make a fabulous pasta salad.

Opa, you are the King of Fires and Safety Chief, okay?

Maggie, breads and roll? Or tater salad and slaw?

Highlander, I think you'd best break out the Lemon Cheesecake?

Terri, I bet you can make some killer slaw, will you consult with Maggie please?

It's a FIESTA, so black bean salad, Texas Caviar, Armadillo Eggs, chips and salsa, a vat of guacamole.......

Anyone I missed, you're all invited! Could somebody stop for limes, please?

Oooh, a Mariachi band has just showed up!
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I love birthdays!

More than happy to oblige re the cheesecake, but you realise that there might not be much left by the time it gets to you.......

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