Opa's place -Where an old rooster visits with friends

Everybody's but your own!
Happy Birthday, Sally!

Girl, if you lived closer to me, we'd have a Texas style throwdown to mark the occasion!
I'll put that brisket on right now!
Hope you have a wonderful, fall in the mud free birthday!

ETA: I'll grab the limes!
Yeah, I could do without another mud bath, hard to believe some people pay for them!

Oooh, gotta have the Coca-Cola cake too. Hmmmm, where'd I hide the chocolate......

Hey Opa, gonna make us a pot of your spicy beans?
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Happy Birthday Sally!
We make great tater salad here so will bring that,lol.
This morning so far has been pretty lazy.
Daughter just came in and said she saw a kid that looked like a lemon riding down the street...I looked at her oddly and she explained there is this little fat kid with real blonde hair and a yellow coat.
I told her never to tease him about it but it still made me laugh.

PS People PAY for mud baths????? In the spring around here we would be millionares.
LOL, apparently the chicken poo is invigorating, I look MUCH younger today..................................

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