Opa's place -Where an old rooster visits with friends

Do any of ya'll know anything about the bantam call ducks? I saw some of those little white darlings at the poultry show the other night and BEGGED DH last night for some. He said, "No, ducks are messy and we don't have a pond". Since they are so small, wouldn't one of those hard plastic kiddie swimming pools be large enough? Can you tell I've never had ducks before?
Sheila, I am ready in incubate sumatras anytime you are ready to send the.
The Lakenvelders, if I figured this right, will be hatching around the weekend? (Have to go back and check my notes)
Call ducks. I won a presale for some blue bibbed call duck eggs but still havent heard from the person. I did touch base to get an update, but nothing...

Actually I think a lot of people even with regular sized ducks use a kiddie swimming pool.
Opa, vorverks is a good choice! Beautiful!

Its sunny/windy here today, just a touch cool.
Substituting some hot apple cider for coffee today as my doc is on me about having caffeine.
Really cold wet and windy day today but we went to the beach anyway and had a lovely time. We even managed to force down some ice-cream , it sure was a struggle though.

I would love to see some pics of those black sumatras please, their tail feathers are amazing. And speaking of pics I think we definitely need another of those baby yaks please!

Mags: that hot cider sounds lovely, that would warm me up right now.
Sam: how are you getting on with those emu eggs? I'm looking forward to seeing them.

I am super excited tonight. I got an email out of the blue today from someone I had been in contact with a few months ago about some brahma hens. She only had roos for sale then and at that point I had way too many so I left it. Anyway she has since decided to downsize her flock and as I had been keen before she gave me first refusal before she went to advertise them. She has 7 laying pullets: a blue, a gold, 2 buff columbian, one buff splash, a blue columbian and a lemon pyle. Well obviously I said I would take them all! And she is going to throw in a Blue Columbian roo to keep them company which I am very pleased about as I miss the one that I used to have that Mr Fox got. So I am going to get them on Thursday. I guess I have to get busy getting the coop ready!
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Well the emu eggs are cleaned and ready for me to start carving on. Hopefully later this week I will have decided upon what I intend to attempt. I'm sort of leaning towards carving a rooster on one of them. It certainly will be a challenge and if it comes out well I may have to get some more of them. I think that they would make an incredible gift.

I spent a portion of today getting things ready for the new chicks and the more I work on it the more I got to thinking about putting eggs in the incubator. I have quite a few that could go right now but I think I will wait a couple of more weeks. I think that I would like to have some 3 week old chicks to take to our Chickenstock.

Thistle, check out this site if you want to look at some black sumatras http://shamrockfarm.webs.com/apps/photos/photo?photoid=53154831
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Good evening everyone..
I have decided to hold off on getting a rooster, at least until my little one can defend himself if the rooster turns nasty. Thank you for the advice Opa. I figured it was too big of a risk, because if it turned nasty I probably would have a hard time rehoming him.

PK I am sorry to hear you missed church today, you seem down about it. I hate to say this but when we miss church, my kids are a little happy about it (not a little, a lot)!
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Soon as the girls start laying again I can send you some SS eggs for that incubator Opa...

Howdy everyone from the freezing cold NWA! Bah!
It's just the service I enjoy. Since my brothers have friends in church, I have to sit there afterwards and try to avoid my ex-friends.
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Either my darlin' daughter is so excited about the new birds she's getting that she can't sleep or she has fallen asleep at the computer and will wake up with little keyboard squares on her face.
If you haven't tried them and you are looking for a beautiful docile bird you need to take a look at the Speckled Sussex. Of all the birds I have had they have been without a doubt the calmest and friendliest birds I've owned. When I went south last year Insiderart of kind enough to make the drive from her home in Arkanasas to my son's place in Missouri. I certainly enjoyed the opportunity to meet her. She brought a trio of SS with her and Joe added them to his flock as soon as they were old enough. In short order they became his favorite birds. I would have loved to have brought them home with me to Michigan but there were just too many stops we had to make before heading back north. The two ss hens I do have oft times make it difficult to enter into the coop because the moment they detect you are there they are immediately under foot.

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