Opa's place -Where an old rooster visits with friends

I sure am glad that I haven't got the room for yaks. I'm afraid it would start just like it did with chickens, I'm only going to get a couple and the first thing you know I'd have a herd.
I have certainly been remiss in posting, but there's a lot going on right now. All good stuff, too!

DH is recovering very nicely, and that is a huge relief for us both.

Last week I had a visit from the propane company guy, just checking out the tank. While we were looking it over, several roosters crowed. I jokingly asked, need any roosters? He said no, but my FIL and nephew might, they both raise chickens. Within the hour the nephew called back and yesterday he was here. Took 5 roosters and 5 hens, of various breeds!

He is a really knowledgeable guy. He has been helping his Grandad hatch and raise chickens since he was 4 years old. He showed up with his own cages, wearing clean, non-coop shoes and asked permission before going near my runs. He has done his research on the Delaware Blue Hens and wants to breed them. He took Angus the DBH roo who has attacked me too many times, and 2 hens. He also took 3 Ameraucana roos, 1 green egg Cuckoo roo, 2 Ameraucana hens and 1 Cuckoo hen. We discussed each one in detail. I told him my problems with each one and he was fine with that.

I was very impressed with him and hope to continue swapping and selling with him. He is a BYC lurker, so MARK? Join in, your experience and knowledge would be a great asset to BYC!

BTW Opa, he's a firefighter at the station 2 miles from here.
Guess I should take some cookies up there, since those fellows rolled twice last week for DH.

Cayce, that has to be the cutest calf ever! You've had a good hatch so far this spring with the yakkers!

Mama, I am glad you decided against a roo for now. Once they mature you really can't predict how their temperament will be. My nicest was a rescued EE, the worst was a Golden Sebright bantam. And Angus, who has now gone to somebody who can handle him!

Sheila, that's a handsome dude!

Highlander, looking forward to Brahma pics!

PK, bummer about missing church. How are your chicks doing? Any new pics?

More later, I need to get the chores done outside before it rains again. The ducklings are enjoying their first day out and the Ams and Cuckoos are roaming around in the woods.

hello to all, nice to see ya!
Ranchie, glad to read that Todd is doing so much better. Now with having rehomed those roosters you have room to hatch out another batch of cockerels, in mean chicks.
Pretty sure you meant that comment for me.....I'm GOOD at hatching roosters!

Sam, whatcha gonna do with those 100 chicks?
Wynette, 90+ chicks are on their way here from Estes Hatchery. In spite of the fact that they are coming here, fortunately this is just a temporary stop enroute to their final homes. Ooopsy Daisy, Crazy Chicken Fever, Michigan Larry, Hustonn, Vicki 2x2, Bluemoon, and Chickflick are all taking some. I'm only keeping 6 welsummer pullets. So I'm not quite as crazy as the chick order would imply.

Got my Pilgrim goose eggs today and plan on putting them in the incubator in the morning. There are four of them.

I agree about the Yaks....my place is a zoo already, if I had more room it would be like Noahs Ark.

Ranchie, good to hear your DH is on his way to recovery.
YakLady that precious thing looks like a stuffed animal-I want one to set on my bed!
(note to self-get stronger mattress)
Maggie good luck with those Pilgrim Geese-my sister is wanting to get some Sebastapols to put in with her swans. She loves the "fringey" geese. I asked her if she was going to mind being chased around all the time by an angry honking goose and she just laughed-guess she'll find out.

Sally so glad your DH is on the mend. Missed you around here!
Finally went through all of my clothes from my former life as a paralegal and gave them to charity. Here's hoping I don't ever have to work at a job that requires a suit and heels again(too old for that!)
Besides, heels just aren't practical for working in the chicken coop!
Hope you all had a wonderful day today.
Our welsummer pullet was a booger as a chick, but turned out to be the sweetest most talkative hen. Sad she got injured and I had to put her down.

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