Opa's place -Where an old rooster visits with friends

The things that some of us have faced in our lives gives birth to such statements as "what don't kill us makes us stronger". l wouldn't want to go back through some of the things I've faced but I know it all made me who I am today.............................an old man.
You know what Maggie, you're absolutely right. I guess I got above my raisin' there for a second. I, too remember many nights(think we talked about this before)eating beans and cornbread(and a lot of potatoes). If my parents hadn't raised a huge garden...we did eat things my dad hunted, so I guess, in all honesty, it's a question of geography. You ate rattlesnake because that's what you had available in West Texas and I ate quail, pheasant and fish because that's what was available in Southern Indiana. If I were hungry enough, you're right, I would eat it.
I sure hope you never have to haul water again!
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LOL, I didnt think you were getting above yourself. I think most people faced with the thought of eating rattlesnake might cringe.

Yep, growing up we had a LOT of potatoes too, plus many other things that were able to be grown or bought cheaply in bulk for seven kids. I just dont ever remember feeling poor because we were so loved. We were part of a very large family too and everyone looked out for each other. No one picked on us on the school bus because if you messed with one of us, you messed with ALL of us.
I do remember the first time my dad shot squirrel for us and my mom tried to tell us it was chicken. I was looking at it and said out loud"THIS isnt chicken!!", not that I minded eating squirrel but my younger sibs all stopped eating. My mom still talks about how she would have liked to have throttled me.

Thank you, I dont want to haul water again either but I guess if it came to that I would. I dont know how well I would do now, I feel 100 some days.

Opa, you are right! I wouldnt want to go back through some of the things I have gone through either. I think, whether we intend it to or not though, it does make us stronger, hence that saying, huh?
Howdy Ya'll!

I just wanted to stop in tonight.

I've had a full day of work, at work then a ton of work at home and in barn/coop.

Yawn! I'm tired..... so now bed!

I'll check in with ya'll tomorrow.
I wonder how many of you keep track of how many eggs you get. My girls have given me 697 eggs since January 1st. Last year I got 2941 and I am hoping that this year there is a substantial improvement. Putting a rollout nest box in my large fowl coop certainly was a wise decision; eggs stay a lot cleaner and reduced the incidents of egg eating.
Last year I only had about a dozen laying hens. Now all 30 of my hen have finally gotten old enough to start laying so I'm expecting production should go up. If not I may be forced to go all Harlan Sanders on them.

Right now there are two big wild tom turkeys in my yard and to watch them strut and display with the sun lighting up the iridescent colors of their feathers has got to make a person realize what a beautiful world we live in.

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