Opa's place -Where an old rooster visits with friends

Just a little giggle. They were terrified of the water,

Ranchhand- They needed their mama to show them how to use the water
Yeah, Ranchie... You were supposed to jump in the water with them!

I'm going to join Opa on Thursday, even though I don't have any baby chicks in that order. I just want to meet some of you. If anyone has any use for an IR drake, please let me know and I will bring him along. His name is Tonto, and he's a sweet boy. Problem is, he just found enough self esteem to start fighting my Cayuga drake for mating rights. Since I'm hatching eggs out to be used for meat ducks, I do not want any IR genes in there. Tonto's gotta go. Any takers?

Also, our original intent was to only sell our meat to restaurants. We've recently decided to go ahead and sell direct, as well. Some of you had asked me about yak meat a while back, before we had meat available. We went ahead and got our license, so we can sell direct now. I put an ad with pricing info up on CL. If anyone's interested, let me know.
How is everybody this fine wet,wet,wet afternoon. I cannot think of anything else to say but wet. We are really getting hit today, I was complaining about last week, but that was nothing compared to this week. Widespread flooding everywhere. Oh well, it's supposed to be sunny and 70 on Easter. So if we can just hold on, the end is near.

Ranchhand, you could bring those babies here, they wouldn't have any choice but to swim.
Opa, I don't know if I could stand the dental drill either.
YakLady, I hope you have good luck in selling your meat direct. We have a butcher in town that sells commercially, but has certain hours that they sell to the public, and it works great for everyone involved.
MagsC, yeah, I love baby chicks!
PK, hope your day is going well.
wyliefarms, good luck at the dentist tomorrow.
Highlander, hope everything is well for you.

Gotta go build an ark now!
I have heard about the flooding in your area of the country, sounds like you will NEED that ark!

Seriously though, be careful and stay safe.
Hey Ranchie....

Here's a picture of my so far lone pullet from my test hatch.


We named her Lily. She's from Wynette's BCM rooster, Stevie, and one of our Welsummer hens.

You sure you don't want any roosters????

I posted in the maran thread we spoke about earlier too.


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