Opa's place -Where an old rooster visits with friends

Sheila, I'm so sorry. I know that's a really tough choice to have to make. You know you did the kind, humane thing, though, and now your dear friend doesn't have to suffer.
Oh Sheila, my heart aches for you. I've had to make the hard decision many times, and it hurts so much. You did the right thing by freeing Boz from his pain.
Thank you all for your kind words of understanding. To me, a dog isn't just a dog.
I was sitting out on the driveway a bit ago playing with my little single chick that hatched out a few weeks ago when my mail lady drove up and handed me a package-I was excited because I knew if was from Opa.
I brought it in and carefully opened it and the first thing I pulled out was the emu egg that Opa had carved with the rooster-it is absolutely beautiful-the picture did not even come close to doing it justice. I then proceeded to pull out a beautiful crocheted bunch of roses and a gorgeous doily that Granny had made. The gestures touched me so much that it brought me to tears(good tears). There are no words to express how much I appreciate these wonderfull, thoughtful handmade gifts from Granny and Opa. I wanted to post pictures, but I am charging my camera batteries right now. Trust me, they are all beautiful. Opa-
to you for the beautiful carved egg and please give these to Granny
(one for each gift). It really made my day to receive these wonderful things from wonderful, thoughtful people.
Again, I don't have the words to express how much this means to me, but thank you is the best I can do.
I'm glad that it came when you needed a little happiness boost. Glad you liked them. Knowing that they pleased you will make Granny very happy as well.
Hey, Sam, guess what?

I've got little Wellie peepers that have pipped. They're peeping away! So far, there are two of them that have pipped. My 'paid-for' cayuga ducklings didn't hatch out so well.
We only ended up with 11 out of 25. This morning, there were five in the bator that had been pipped for 3 days and hadn't progressed past a dime-size hole. One of them was dead, and there wasn't much movement from the other 4. I removed them from the bator and broke the rules. I helped them out, and three of them lived. They are jumping around with the rest now, as if they never had a close call. The 4th was really far gone by the time I helped, and it didn't make it. Ducklings sure are different than chickie babies. After only a few hours, they are full of energy, running around and playing. The ones that were my 'practice hatch' last week are already three times as big as the newborns. After just a few days, they don't even need the heat lamp anymore (of course, they're inside, though). It's incredible how fast they grow! They're really sweet and nurturing to any new arrivals, too. I've got 2 of my own duck eggs in the bator, hatching out with the Wellies. Then I've got a few of my own Cayuga eggs due to hatch on the 15th and a few more on the 21st. Then I'll be done for awhile.

I'm going to try some natural recipes for fly-spray this year. Does anyone know where to get real apple cider vinegar around here?

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