Opa's place -Where an old rooster visits with friends

My darlin' daughter your old da is starting to feeling marginally better, what ever this bug is it's a nasty one. Sadly, I think Granny is now coming down with it. When someone her age comes down with a bug as nasty as this it's scarey. I've already starting her on a regime of medicine. Hopefully we can get it under control before it gets to severe. The first indication that it getting very much worse and I will be taking her to a doctor.

You said you were going to post pictures of your day at the beach so I can only assume you had a good time. I'm sure that after all of the cold nasty weather you have had a day of playing with the darlin' bairn in the sunshine would have to have been wonderful. While I couldn't take my sons to the ocean to play when they were wee lads, they loved playing in a big lake not far from here. I guess you would call it a big lake since it is 494 kilometers long and 190 kilometers wide. Not an ocean of course but it is large enough to get some rather dramatic waves at times.

I'm going to attempt to dig some more sand and finish topping the runs today. Hopefully I can get it done before running out of steam. The three inches of dirt that I removed should at substantially to the garden this year. I also have a large tree next to the garden that is dying. It's constantly dropping small limbs into the garden so I won't miss having to pick those up each week. It also produces thousands of seeds that sprout tiny trees in the garden at are really a pain to weed out. Also it shades the garden for much of the afternoon and I'm sure the increased sunlight will benefit the growing crops immensely.
Good day all,

Opa, glad to hear you are on the mend. I really hope Granny can escape it.

Highlander, looking forward to the pics!

Cayce, I've never dealt with bumblefoot, knocking wood right now!

Sheila, I'm happy to hear Cupid is easing the pain of loss. He is a cutie-pie!

Maggie, did I miss your birthday? belated Happy Birthday to ya!

Up-the-creek, I keep saying I'm going to make Butter Dips, them I remember the tons of butter and Sam's warning about how addicting they are..................

Hi Beth, nice to meet you!

It's been truly gorgeous outside so I've been spending time outside as much as possible. Finally tackled the front porch, which was looking like a barnyard since the chickens spread a bale of straw all over!
I finally get to actually sit in the rocking chairs out there rather than just use them as a place to hang extension cords. Found a bunch of tools I didn't know I'd lost too.

Snakes everywhere! Reached under the nest box for an egg and came up with yellow rat snake. He now lives about 8 miles away. Later in the day I spotted his granddaddy looking for eggs.

Glad he didn't get this one though!

The first green egg I think, from the green egg Cuckoos! It has a bluish tint, really pretty.

Azaleas are blooming like crazy, that's the front porch in progress on the right. The chickens are on the far side of the trees.

DH has the garden under way.

And Bingo killed a very dangerous stick snake.

Nice to seeya, how are you feeling? Hanging tough, I hear/see!

Not sure what all he's planted- I used to garden, but seem to have developed a black thumb since I moved to SC. So he does the garden and I do the chickens. I know he's got tomatoes and hot peppers in, most likely cukes and green/waxbeans also. Probably some squash, the usual lineup. He got slowed down a bit by illness, so I'm thinking I need to go into the city and find some starts of herbs. Chives are one of my favorites, dill, flat-leaf parsley, basil.... uh oh, there I go again! I love using fresh herbs.

Chives made it through the winter.

And here's some nice southern wisteria for you. It's taking over the chicken pens now....

Nothing compared to your garden, but all we can handle right now.

Oooh, and the hummingbirds are thick now!
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Thank you everyone for the welcome!

Just another day here but the sun is out so hopefully will be a good day. I work 6:45 - 8:45 am then again for 2 hours in the afternoon. I assist handicap adults in their home. It is a great job, with wonderful sweet people.

Have a good day all! Here is to days getting warmer and the sun out.
The wisteria is heavenly......I used to have one but it went too crazy and was pulling down my neighbor's tree.....so I had to cut it down before it turned into a monster, a lovely monster
Those things don't wanna die though and I found myself going out there and trimming down all the little shoots. I threw the vine and all the clippings into the woods, so now it's growing out there!

Yea, I'm hanging in there. I missed coming into the rambling section and seeing what's going on. I love reading how you all are doing and everything. I was a little preoccupied with my own thing going on but I want it to be like it used to be around here and decided that that's what I'm going to do.
The Family thread can stay over there and be all scary and all that. I want to come here and be "normal".

Opa - glad you are feeling better, hope Granny's got nipped in the bud.

to everyone else!
Morning all!
Opa praying that you are better and that Granny doesn't get that mess!
Sally really nice pics. Nice to see that Bingo will keep you home safe from the dreaded "stick snake"-bet you sleep better at night knowing that! Love wisteria, but it is so parasitic and so prolific down here! Lucky for me, I've never been able to grow it-go figure.
Beth I so admire people who do what you do.
Hope you will stay around here and visit with us.
Luna glad to see you posting here. Still praying for you.

Training the puppy really early on to be chicken friendly. He is doing great with it. Little tiny thing runs in and out of the coop and run scattering chickens in his wake-he only tried to chase them once so for a 10 week old puppy-I think he's doing well.
Guess I'm going to work on some housework.
Have a blessed day everyone!
I really appreciate everyone's good wishes. Knowing that you have people who care about you makes any illness better. Colds aren't life threatening but they certainly can make you feel like you are going to die. Granny awoke early this morning feeling quite ill so I gave her more medication and she went back to bed. After three hours she still hadn't stirred so I went to check on her. I sure wish her inhalations were much larger. I had to watch for several minutes to see her breathing. Now after four hours I hear her up and move about so I can rest a little easier.

Luna, I am so glad to find you here. You are often in my thoughts for what I know is a difficult time for you. I'm sure that coming and spending some time with us can help add some normalancy to you life. That is if you can consider us normal. I'm often not real sure if I can be considered "normal". What sane person plans to have 3 or 4 hens and winds up with 50?

Sure wish wisteria could grow on my chicken pens. The stuff certainly is beautiful Sally.
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Afternoon everyone.

Not much going on here today. The four little bobwhites that hatched yesterday are still alive and kicking. I was kind of worried about putting them in with the other quail but there have been no problems.
It was that way with my last coturnix, they were very accepting of everything and pretty tame. These little tuxedos seem to be the same way. They run TO me instead of freaking out like some of the chickens we have had.
Opa, glad you hear you are feeling some better but sad that Granny might be coming down with it.

Oh and I agree about dachshund personalities. Luckily, ours are pretty good tempered though Axl isnt a year old yet. He does bark and growl if people come into the house. The other two will bark to announce someone is there and SOUND mean but they are all bluff!
Ranchie, beautiful pics!! We dont have Wisteria but I noticed that my lilac bushes (that I have put around most of the property, still have some areas I need to plant them though) are going to bloom for the first time since I planted them. Since we live on the edge of town, I wanted privacy from the masses,lol. For the most part people here are nice but there are quite a few busybodies too.

And thanks for the belated birthday wishes!! I turned 45 last Saturday.
Sheila, hug that puppy for me!
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