Opa's place -Where an old rooster visits with friends

Hi Maggie-I mailed the eggs on Friday-I have no idea what I was thinking. Of course if those are too old, I will send more. Matter of fact, I'll box up Frank and send him to you. That would be an angry box o bird, let me tell you!

I got an email from a lady that is supposed to be selling me some khaki sumatra eggs-those are beautiful birds. Still incubating duck and BBS Sumatra and now Jaerhon eggs. Sheesh-I need more birds.
Seems like I have been incubating these call duck eggs for months-they are due May 5th.
I hope all goes well with your testing and you get good news from the results.
Our garden is already starting to come up-lettuce, mustard greens, okra(yuck), green beans...it has been so warm here that everything is growing at an alarming rate(including the weeds).
It was sure nice of your family to come down and help you out. Mom's do tend to worry about us no matter how old we get. If I speak to my mom on the phone and I don't sound 100% chipper and happy, she's like, "What's wrong".
I sure hope you get to feeling better soon.
Yay!! Sumatra eggs!!
Noooooo....Sheila, you can keep Frank,lol. He keeps you on your toes, right?

Thank you for sending them and I will be happy to put them into the incubator. Sumatras are so pretty. Sounds like you have the incubating bug same as a lot of us! I put eight guinea eggs in the incubator tonight and tomorrow my aunt is bringing over some more duck eggs. She has people asking about ducks for sale so I am glad to hatch them for her. Of course I get to keep what ones I want.
The little Indian Runner/Blue Swedish that hatched is doing well. He was a noisy little booger so I gave it a shot and put him in with the coturnix and tiny bobwhites....they accepted him right away. I know people say quail are mean but I dont know if that means just with each other? Because I have had chicks in with a little older coturnix babies as well with no problems.
Thanks Opa and Sheila for the good wishes. I am going to think positive. My older daughter called me tonight, she had just been out to my parents house and she said they were real worried. One good thing, she said my DAD complimented me and that is a rare occurence. He said that even though he could tell I was hurting that I still kept working along side them and he was impressed that I dug up the garden by myself. Mom told my daughter how clean my house was. (Yeah, but she didnt look in the bedrooms!
LOL, who are you and what have you done with my parents????

Sorry, NOT a brag, I am so not full of myself. I am just in wonder about the compliments and feel good about them.
On Monday morning we have to be at the Mayo Clinic at 7 am because they want a full day to do testing. Oh joy!!!!
PS I guess another good thing about today is my oldest daughter and youngest son were talking and they are going to take turns coming down once a week to help me mow lawn. THAT is a blessing for sure.
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Sure wish I wouldn't wake up quite so early. Today I must go to a customers house to affects some repairs and then meet with a heating contractor to coordinate installing new furnaces and air conditioners, so I didn't need to be awake this early. Tomorrow I need to get up a little earlier than this so the David and I can go turkey hunting. That's the down side to hunting turkey, each time you are unsuccessful means having to get up even earlier the next time you go out. This morning's wind chills are in the low 30's and a freeze warning is in affect but tomorrow is supposed to be 15 degrees warmer at sunrise so it won't be quite so uncomfortable sitting out in the woods.
Where is everyone?
I'm sure with the nicer weather everybody is busy-we sure have been!
Hope you are all doing well and life is treating you kindly!
Good luck tomorrow, Opa!
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what nice weather? Got down to 30 here last night and only up to 40 during the day. Then we had cold rain and snow mix for a little while. Man it is damp and cold out! The funny thing is they are saying it might get up to 80 on Saturday! Gotta love springtime in Massachusetts.

Hope the turkey hunting went well Opa.

easttxchick, how's your puppy today?
Ack!! Snow!!! Shhhhh....dont say that word. At least not until late next fall!

Its been beautiful here though we are expecting possible severe storms tomorrow night through Friday.
I got my garden all planted today, went to water it and the pipe leading to the house is busted. AGAIN. This happens every year. I told the guys they need to replace the WHOLE thing this time, not just part of it. (Its on an outside wall too and needs loads of insulation) Sooooo....I am happy its going to rain,lol.
Opa, were you able to get yourself a turkey?
One of my pilgrim goose eggs hatched!!! Its a little darker gosling and very, VERY noisy.
I've been involved in construction for 50 years and I still haven't lost my ability to be amazed at the number of times I find something on a house that was built or installed properly. Today David and I went to install a handicap toilet in a customer's house. I should have been a 45 minute task. Wrong! It took over a hour just to remove the toilet. It was sitting on a ceramic tile floor that wasn't a level and flat as it should have been. The toilet was actually glued to the floor with a very thick bead of adhesive caulk that required sliding a knife blade between the toilet and the floor to cut the toilet loose. Then when the toilet was removed all of the caulk had to be scraped off the tile. When we tried to install the new toilet we found out why they had used the adhesive caulk, they had broken the flange so bolts could not be tightened to hold the toilet. We had to get a new flange and install it before we could install the toilet. The 45 minute job wound up taking over three. The aggravating thing is that the guy who installed the original toilet should have fixed it originally, instead he jury rigged it.

Oh well, enough crying. I hope everyone is doing well and that MagC and Luna are feeling much better, they remain in my prayers.
When we first moved into our house, my husband kept saying Mickey used to live here. When questioned about what he meant he said, Mickey Mouse....as in the previous owners Mickey moused everything. We are constantly fixing the mistakes that were made, and we have lived here 8 years already. So I understand what you mean.
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