Opa's place -Where an old rooster visits with friends

Sheila, I hope that's right. it's been awhile & my memory is poor at best, I'll try that password trick and hope it works. Thank you. As for the flowers. i have a small nursery here that i sell flowers, trees and shrubs for about 10 wks in the spring. Lots of annuals, like geraniums, petunias, pansies etc. I also have perennials. I love doing it, but i'm glad when it's over too. I have to be on duty from daylight till dark, 7 days a week.

So how have you been doin'??
OK, thanks for asking. My birds take up most of my time anymore. I have thinned my flock down and am concentrating on a couple of breeds. Trying to decide whether or not to try to show in November.
Garden here is already done, so no more work there. Trying to stay cool is a full time job down here in the summer.

Nurserys are one of my favorite places-I could spend DHs yearly salary in those kinds of places. Bet it is a long day for you though.
Woody I've been told that as you get older memory is the first thing to go and I can't remember what the other things were.

While I wore a mustache for over 40 years it normally hasn't extended much below the corner of my mouth. Recently I decided that it was time for a change. I briefly contemplated shaving it off completely but decided against it as Hope might think she was cheating on me or the dog might bite me. So instead I decided to change the style and shape somewhat. It now extends below my chin plus I'm also growing the little "soul" patch in the hollow between my lower lip and chin. The only thing is that it has come in all white. The original mustache is still brown & blond with a few gray hair but this is white. I starting to look like I could appear in the movies. You know the role. An old serial type western with handsome stoic cowboy saving maidens in distress. I'd get to play his old sidekick. On the up side both Hope and Granny like it.
I'm glad this is an understanding bunch here. I started out to town the other day and had to come back 3 times as, i kept forgetting things like my list, my wallet and some eggs to sell.

As far as my ol' cookie duster goes, i just let it fly in the wind. Had it forever except for a couple of years ago i shaved it off to dress up as Amy Winehouse at halloween. I then went to a rehab center and did a little song and dance act. What a blast. I now have a lot more respect for what women go through on a steady basis, what with all the body hair removal and misc. warpaint. It was quite an experience. Won't be doing it again anytime in the near future.

Well, i gotta run for now. My van broke down in town yesterday and needs fixing. Got it home and hope to work on it right here in the yard. Shifter cable broke. Later.
Good Morning everyone...haven't been around much lately, to much work....so little time!

I know I am not really that old...but my granddaughter just turned 13 Monday......and that reminded me that I am not getting any younger!

I went outside the other night and the moon looked awesome.....hope you guys don't mind the pic!


I really should get some pics of the garden, the alternating chicken run thing seems to be working well! We should have massive tomatoes sometime around September....we have some nice looking potatoes, summer squash, carrots, onions, and some kind of squash that are volunteers....we are not quite sure what they are!
Uuu, very pretty picture!

Woody, that sounds funny.

I am so tired... That's the last time I stay up until 2 baking cookies for my family.
Evening folks, was another hot, humid day here in the Ozarks. We did have a shower of rain this afternoon for about 15 minutes. Today was the day I went and met my daughter to pick up momma from her visit with her sister; they both survived and are still actually speaking to one another. So all is well! Whew!

Enjoyed our first fresh chicken dinner this evening in over 3 months; our slow grow chicken garden is finally ready to start havesting. Still can't believe the taste difference in our own and the store bought stuff.

Had a rough night last night, hubby was up most of the night, but thankfully is feeling much better and we are looking forward to a good nights sleep. This evening there is a haze on the meadow and garden, foggy I guess you would say; two speckled baby deer were in the field for a while romping and playing. Sure that their momma was somewhere close by. We have a few deer that seem to come here each year to raise their young and on many days bed the little ones down in our orchard or field. We have walked by them unknowingly on a few occasions and then see momma come and get them in the evening.

Hope everyone has had a blessed day!

PK you could adopt me and send me some cookies!!

HHF what a wonderful picture, full moons are so lovely to look at, thanks for sharing!
Woody hope you got your van fixed; my hubby shaved his cookie duster off a couple years ago and I almost cried! Didn't even look like him!! Used to it now I guess.

Opa, have the feeling you would be comfortable in any role that you chose to play.

to everyone else!
Thanks. They didn't end up all that good, though.

Oh yeah, just found out that for my schooling, anything lower than a B is a 'fail'.
I can't believe the garden that I've grown this year. Yesterday I had to stake all of the bell pepper plants as they have gotten so heavy. I'm hoping that some of them are going to turn red since I want to make a batch of pepper relish and it would be more colorful. They are selling red bell peppers in the store for $1 each and I will have an all green relish before I pay that.

I have one butternut squash plant that is about 3' high and has just about taken over one corner of the garden. It has sent out runners in several directions and they are over 20' long. It's absolutely loaded with fruit so I should have a good harvest. A couple of years ago one that I had planted only sent out one runner and it had grown through the garden fence before I noticed it, so all summer I had to mow around it. It had about 9 or 10 squash on it. The best time to harvest is after a hard frost so one cold morning I went out to pick only to discover that the deer also know they taste best after a frost. Every single one was gone and all that remained was lots of tracks.

I've got to take Granny to get an MRI this morning and she is not looking forward to being inside that tube. The doctor prescribed something to render her stupid and she's to take that an hour before the procedure. That should make for an interesting morning. I had taken her to a pain management clinic to hopefully get her some relief for the pain in her lower spine. Arthritis has developed in her lower back so she is quite uncomfortable. Her hands are so badly gnarled and twisted that it breaks your heart to see them. Since it is a hereditary condition I wasn't too thrill when painful nodes have developed on a couple of my fingers and thumb. They already have started to twist.

Yesterday while I was busy trying to locate the presence of leaks in my eyelids the coyote strolled across the yard. Since it was raining at the time Hope didn't bother to wake me. She thought I couldn't shoot in the rain. One of this days he will make a mistake.

I can't believe that summer is half over already. It seems that life is traveling at warp speed. Once fall gets here I think I will head south for a couple of weeks. I'll make the visit the relatives circuit through the Ozarks. Three of my fathers sisters and two of his brothers live in the area and the rest are out west. I think I am the only nephew that makes a real effort to visit with them. Even my sons stay in contact with them. It is a little sad each time I visit since I can't help but wonder how many visits are left.

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