Opa's place -Where an old rooster visits with friends

Afternoon everyone, last report was that all the fires are under control as of about 2 AM this morning. Several buildings and some homes were burned in the one closest to us in Reynolds/Carter Co.'s; it burned about 1000 acres total, apparently started from a trash fire. All of our family is safe and well as far as I know; still have one son we are assuming went on to work this morning that we cannot reach, since no one has called yet. Grandson pulled a 19 hour shift yesterday firefighting, but is safe and sleeping today.
Feeling very blessed and grateful and praying for those who lost homes, possessions, and livestock. Tired old woman here today, just couldn't get my eyes to close for long last night.
Turned cold overnight and actually had some light snow showers this morning.....but the peach and plum trees are blooming! Hope you all have a wonderful day. CCMH
Glad to read that the fires are out and no one was killed. Even though I will be retired from the fire department for almost twenty years I still feel an affinity for those involved.
That's so good to hear!
Now I'm sure you need some rest, so please go get some.
It sure will be nice when I can take a cup of coffee out on the deck and wait for the sun to come up. I guess I could do it now but something about having to get completely dressed in artic survival gear lessens the appeal. That plus it's hard to sip coffee once it becomes frozen in your cup.
(picturing Opa on the deck, "decked out" in artic survival gear trying to bend his arm enough to take a drink, only to find the frozen coffee)
Have any of you ever tried drinking anything when your mustache is covered with ice? Come on admit it I know some of you have. Probably some of the guys too.
Wow... Michigan must be cold, even during Spring!

Good mornin'! Mom and I are going to go clothes shopping, and then I'll probably work on my Script Frenzy project.

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