Opa's place -Where an old rooster visits with friends

UPDATE!!!! Hubby had talked to his son about our granddaughter's ribbons. Today I talked to mom....she actually placed 2ND in her weight class!!!!!
They are all happy to be home. We also have another granddaughter that has traveled to Jackson Mississippi right now competing in barrell racing. No news on them yet, hoping she does great!!

Hope you are feeling better soon Opa. Summer colds are awful.
Hoping all is well with everyone else!!
Hello Opa and everyone! Opa, I hope you get to feeling better real soon. I'm starting out on my first chicken experience although I'm definitely not new to the appreciation of animals and all they add to our lives on a daily basis. I frequently tell people that my dogs are part of my soul.
I am a therapist who works with little children of the human kind which is fulfilling but can be tiring! I love coming home and seeing my fiancé and all the animals. Right now, I'm like a child with the chickens. I'm so in awe of everything and have great excitement learning even the simplest things with their care. It's so fun imagining what they will feather out like, testing out different treats and even helping with building the coop (the building just never seems to end). Anyway, I was pleased to discover what a kind little thread this is. It's a little gem inside the already friendly, bigger BYC. Thank you for making me feel so welcome. -Amy
Opa, hope you feel better soon, but if it is taking a while to go away maybe you need to see a doctor and get some antibiotics. Summer colds are terrible, for some reason maybe the humidity they just never seem to go away. Last winter I got a cold, that wouldn't go away and I was so tight in the chest that I had trouble breathing. When I went to the doctor she prescribed an inhaler, and that thing worked wonders. I used it 3 times a day for a few days, and almost immediately I felt so much better.
Harlan I am so thrilled for you about your trip. Scotland is somewhere I have always wanted to see, seeing that my Granddad on my Father's side was Scottish. My husband wants to see Spain as his ancestors are from there.
We are off this week to Maine. Not a very fancy trip, but I do love Maine.
I've been up for an hour now and the sunrise is still quite a ways off. Stupid coughing and a overflowing snot locker woke me this morning, but I guess I shouldn't complain because I did wake up.

I had wanted to attend an annual picnic today but with all of this hacking and blowing I don't think I would be a very welcomed attendee. Each year the Police and Fire Retirees Association holds a picnic and it is always enjoyable to get together with the people with whom I spent so many years. It is also a little bittersweet to see guys who were once so strong and confident shrunken and uncertain. Age certainly has a way of reducing us all. Often if someone hasn't attended in a few years it is difficult to place them.

Most are enjoying their retirement, although all are dealing with the various afflections that come with age. That is compounded by the various injuries most suffered in the course of performing a physically demanding job. One cop that I was close to suffered a serious back injury during a fight and his career was cut short. At one point the doctors thought he would never walk again but with a lot of perseverance and pain he now is able to walk. He must use leg braces and complicated looking canes but he is able to get around. The amazing thing is how possitive and happy he is and he is one of the driving forces behind making our picnic a success.

It's hard to believe that this December will mark my twentieth year of retirement. Some days it seems like it was just yesterday. Then on occasion I have been somewhere and encounter someone who is one the department today and I find myself asking "when did they start hiring babies"?

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