Opa's place -Where an old rooster visits with friends

Thanks to all of you for you kind words and prayers. I think that this is going to be one time that tests my ability to "cowboy up".

Sam, if anyone can "cowboy up", it is you.. Take a deep seat, and hang on tight.. This ain't gonna be no 8 second ride..Just keep one thing in mind, "It ain't no 8 second ride for your brother either".. The man with the best balance will carry the day through...
P.S. use the spurs lightly...
Sam, I know I don't post here very often, but I do try to read and keep up.
My thoughts and prayers to you and your family during this difficult time.
I'm so sorry Sam! It's a very difficult thing to have to go thru. It can tear a family apart. Hopefully, things will go easier for you than you anticipate. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
I do believe the one of the secrets of keeping your world in balance is a steady influx of cake to one's diet.

I talked with my brother in Kentucky's ex-wife and she has stepped up and has been helping my nephews with their father. I guess he is quite content in the assisted living facility so Granny doesn't have to worry as much about him. I have two other brothers here in Michigan and youngest is still working and can't really get any time off so while he did offer I can't really count on much help from him. The other brother who was already opposing me on how I felt things should be handled has decided that it is going to be much to difficult emotionally for him to handle so he has opted out and told Granny what ever Sam does will be fine with him.

This is certainly going to make taking care of everything much easier. My brother's ex-wife and I are in agreement so hopefully it should go as well as one could hope. I won't be going until the 2nd week of February as I have to get the necessary paper work prepared to allow me to handle Granny's financial affairs.
Sam, That is great news! I'll continue to pray, you continue to take advantage of Hope's cake making abilities!!

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