Operation Rehab...is there any hope for her?

The difference between the picture in post # 1 and that in post # 37 is dramatic. Sh has come a long way perhaps the damage to her leg is physical from the abuse she received and she is gradually healing. A balanced diet, freedom from attack, and daily swimming may see her achieve a complete recovery. Your experience with the vet is no surprise.
Well Ling went to the vets today.....and they did absolutely nothing. I actually was so aggravated I almost started crying lmao. She told me there is nothing wrong with her leg....ok then why is it swollen? Why can't she fully extend it? WHY can't she use it?.....walked out of there with a $30 ointment for her eye
She is still eating and drinking....I just don't know what else to do for her.
I'm sorry to hear this but not surprised. what answers did the vet give you when you asked these questions? I think as long as she is eating/drinking you will just need to give her time. Have you ever heard of DMSO I use it for myself for Fibromylgia and i also have some in gel form for my anumals got it at TSC they use it on race horses for leg problems, well it is very inexpensive and maybe you can pick up some and try rubbing her leg with it every eve. before bed. that way it will be on over night till she swims the next day. Maybe worth a try.
Might an Epsom salts compress help her make progress?

I have heard of DMSO and hesitate to try it because it can be really potent. Glad to hear Miss Lydia has had success with it.
I'm sorry to hear this but not surprised. what answers did the vet give you when you asked these questions? I think as long as she is eating/drinking you will just need to give her time. Have you ever heard of DMSO I use it for myself for Fibromylgia and i also have some in gel form for my anumals got it at TSC they use it on race horses for leg problems, well it is very inexpensive and maybe you can pick up some and try rubbing her leg with it every eve. before bed. that way it will be on over night till she swims the next day. Maybe worth a try.

My questions pretty much fell on deaf ears :( I think that's what got me so upset because I KNOW there is something wrong with that leg. I asked if they could maybe give her an antibiotic or and antiinflamatory and she told me no because whatever she gave her would give her diareah(sp?) and would open up all kinds of other problems.....they, the vet and her helper, were kind of laughing at the fact I brought a duck in for a check up
Which made me fume....then sat there and talked to me like I was an idiot....I mean yes I am no vet but I do know quite a bit and most of all I KNOW my animals!

Movement is coming back in that leg though, slowly but I do see some kind of improvement. Honestly, I think she can't walk because that leg is inflamed and the joint seems VERY stiff so she can't fully extend it.

Miss Lydia is this stuff in the horse section of TSC? And whats the full name so I can find it or ask if they have it?
My questions pretty much fell on deaf ears :( I think that's what got me so upset because I KNOW there is something wrong with that leg. I asked if they could maybe give her an antibiotic or and antiinflamatory and she told me no because whatever she gave her would give her diareah(sp?) and would open up all kinds of other problems.....they, the vet and her helper, were kind of laughing at the fact I brought a duck in for a check up
Which made me fume....then sat there and talked to me like I was an idiot....I mean yes I am no vet but I do know quite a bit and most of all I KNOW my animals!

Movement is coming back in that leg though, slowly but I do see some kind of improvement. Honestly, I think she can't walk because that leg is inflamed and the joint seems VERY stiff so she can't fully extend it.

Miss Lydia is this stuff in the horse section of TSC? And whats the full name so I can find it or ask if they have it?
It was over in the section where the meds are . on the shelf comes in a white plastic jar 41/4 oz/ white jar blue lettering says DMSO 99.9% pure Dimethyl Sulfoxide I'd try a small amt just to make sure it's not going to cause a reaction. Sometimes when i first apply it to my knees It will have a slight burning sensation but it goes away fast. I don't use this that i got at TSC though but it is the same thing.
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It was over in the section where the meds are . on the shelf comes in a white plastic jar 41/4 oz/ white jar blue lettering says DMSO 99.9% pure Dimethyl Sulfoxide I'd try a small amt just to make sure it's not going to cause a reaction. Sometimes when i first apply it to my knees It will have a slight burning sensation but it goes away fast. I don't use this that i got at TSC though but it is the same thing.

Thank you, if I don't see improvement in the swelling in the next couple days I might give this a try!
I think you need to find another vet. I read the posts in the link Kevin gave you. Sounds like an infection, try soaking in Epsom salt like was mentioned then on Monday if no better maybe see about a rehab facility that maybe able to help you or another vet if you can afford it.I have a medicine comparison chart that came with an order from Twin City Poultry supplies, and it recc. Penicillin for blood born infections, cuts and scrapes. so maybe do some penn. injections or in her water and see if that does any good,. I sure wouldn't write her off now.I would think if she was very sick she wouldn't be eating or drinking,.
I completely agree. Any vet that will tell you to put the bird down without even having bothered to see it is a pretty poor one and obviously has very little care for animals. Heck, my vet went out and bought new tools just to use on my son's guinea pig when it needed it's teeth fixed.

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