Opinions on fencing for goats


Birdsong 82

Free Ranging
6 Years
Aug 17, 2017
Any goat owners I need your option please. I am soon going to be be moving and need to set up new fencing for my goats Currently I have 2x4 welded wire fencing with solid metal T posts. And I hate it. But we pulled by hand ( no other choice) and they are rough on it cause well they’re goats! I’m constantly repairing fencing and it looks like crap. I would like wood at the new place ... at least facing the front.. but also considering cost. Sometimes I feel metal posts are more expensive than lumber.
Just wanted some options on fencing as far as durability, cost and of course keeping them in. Realized having it installed was outta range for me so doing it myself ( hopefully at least 1 person to help)
Oh btw. I have 4 1 boer doe. And 3 Nubian boer mixes 1 male and 2 female. Wanting to breed 1 per year. Currently about 130-140 lbs each.
Oh btw. I have 4 1 boer doe. And 3 Nubian boer mixes 1 male and 2 female. Wanting to breed 1 per year. Currently about 130-140 lbs each.
We let them graze now but I bought more acarage to build them their own area. It’s too much to keep them out of herb garden and VerY large vegetable garden So I wanted to give the double pasture area. Large enough so my daughter and I can go hang with them and we can keep the herd slowly growing. They are super friendly and love to be with us but looking forward to planting All my various things with out them invading
At Tractor Supply a 7' T-post is $6.59. An 8' wood post 5" to 6" diameter is $14.99. And they are a lot more work to put in.

You can stretch wire fencing with come-alongs, get knotted not welded. Welded will fail. You'll need a wood H brace at the ends to pull against, T posts every 10' if the land is somewhat flat. You want it tight. Might need hot wire to keep the goats off it.
I was thinking about electric fence for one of the areas because there’s less trees and such. We have our T posts every 5-6’ and have problems with the posts leaning from them using the fence to groom themselves and Lucy is a butt. But ground in the new yard seems more solid Would 6’ PT 4x4 work? I can’t remember exactly but those are much cheaper. The fence is probably about 4 1/2’ now and seems to work. They’re larger so they can’t clear those fences like some

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