Opinions on these two yearlings?

I don't know about sliders, as these have the soft swimming feet, like a sea turtle. They weren't meant for land. Picture doesn't show the feet that well. Are slider swimming turtles?

My sister says someone told her turtles can carry some sort of disease or something? I have been washing hands with soap but just used to that from handling my own critters. Thanks for the info Minx!

Sliders are swimming turtles but not sea turtles. More like pond, lake, stream, & river dwellers. We have several in our pond they just showed up there and are there to stay. Most of the time they swim around and dive down probably catching fish. Often if you are going down the river you will see a few sliders up on a log sunning themselves and then they will jump off into the water when they see you. Those claws probably help them pull themselves up onto the logs and hold on. Sea turtles have no use for claws and Sea turtles have paddle-like feet without toes or claws:
Baby sea turtles
Quote from http://i.huffpost.com/gen/1082220/images/o-BABY-SEA-TURTLES-facebook.jpg :

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