Opossem Under Car, Can Eat Chickens, What Should I Do?


7 Years
May 20, 2012
My Coop
My Coop
I tried to shot it with my bebe gun, but it just stode there like nothing was wrong. I shot at it again, and I had shot it. When I looked under there, it was just sitting there like nothing happened. After shoting it 5 times, I gave up and went to sleep. The next morning, it was still there, stareing at me. What should I do?
If he can get to chickens, you will have to kill it.
If you catch it and bring it somewhere else, it will be a bother to someone else. Unless you can bring far away to the woods.
Good luck
If it was still there after the whole night and hasn't moved sense I'd move my car if it still didn't move I would put it down. A swift knock in the head should do the trick.
If it stays there after you move the car and you put it down, DO NOT TOUCH IT! If it is out during the day, it is very likely sick. Pick it up with a shovel and bury it. They have very sharp teeth, can bite, and are not easy to kill. They frequently act dead, but are "playing possum", hence the term.

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