Opossum 0 Male Goose 1


7 Years
Sep 1, 2012
There was a horrible racket outside tonight. My dogs went nuts. I went outback to find My big male goose fighting a opossum. He was keeping the opossum from getting into the chicken coop & doing a great job too. I grabbed the closest thing - a broom ( giggle ) & smacked that fat little thing away from my goose/chickens & across the yard until it ran under the fence. I know i should have done something more but just reacted. I laugh about it now but i know this could have been bad.
So glad it turned out good.....but, my personal experience with predators (never had experience with opossum) is that they come back-sometimes bringing family & friends to dinner with them.. Make sure to do a twice over the coop today & make sure that everything is predator proof. And be on the lookout. Very glad for your gladiator goose!!
Hooray for the goose! Now I can tell hubby it's another reason why I need geese ;)

My reaction probably would have been the same as yours. When it comes to killing things I let hubby do that. But I'm pretty good with a broom myself. Maybe we should play a game of Opossum/broom hockey...

Looks like protection mode was kicked in for a reason
the King is protecting everyone & the nest :)
Hooray for the goose! Now I can tell hubby it's another reason why I need geese ;)

My reaction probably would have been the same as yours. When it comes to killing things I let hubby do that. But I'm pretty good with a broom myself. Maybe we should play a game of Opossum/broom hockey...

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