Opossum Attack - had chicken by the head! Let her be or examine and treat?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Aug 3, 2014
What do I do to help her and to test if she'll make it through or if it would be kinder to cull her? This was at 4:30 this morning and it's almost 6am now. It's so hard to tell with chickens just how bad off they are. One eye was closed or gone. Not much blood. I put her under a light in a box. I don't know if I should just let her be for a little while or if I should be checking for wounds and cleaning her up - she smells like opossum cuz this darn thing had her by her head! He wasn't much bigger than her!?!?

She's just about at the 20 week mark. They were all in a temporary coop, not the normal fortress. She has been on antibiotics since Saturday morning for coccidiosis and a wormer since the fecal test (whipworm) on Friday at the vet - that's why they were in a temp coop, I treated the ground for worms as well. I sprayed some vetericyn on her head before putting her in the box and she's been resting calmly. When is a good time to wash her head off and check for damage and treat the wounds with ointment?
I just checked on her and she is swallowing and she went to get up so she can walk and when I pet her to lay back down there was some wheezing, but she immediately calmed down and went back to resting.
Any help would be appreciated.
I had a possum attack but unfortunately, they were killed. I would keep her there and see how she does over the next few days. Maybe someone else can give you more advice about what to do. She's very lucky to have survived this anyway. If she gets worse, it might be the best to cull her but if there's a chance she can get through this, go for it. Good luck and hope she gets better!
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Thanks. Just got home and it looks like she tried to eat, but I don't know if she actually did, it's just spread around. Doesn't look like she drank at all. I am giving her water through a syringe and she's drinking. Her one eye is really closed and bloody. I'm sure she's in pain. The bite marks are on her face - he missed her neck and that's probably why she's alive.

What is good to put on an eye wound???

How do I get her to eat so she doesn't weaken even more?

Her throat is probably sore, she is hanging her mouth open sometimes.

Wish we had more help on here?????
If she's not eating, you can tube feed her. @casportpony should be able to help you. I can't say whether it's better to try and save her or cull her. I wish I could help more. Kathy has been very helpful to me. Hopefully she can give you some instruction what to do.
Thanks for the encouragement and support to those who did. I'll post here in case someone ever has the same problem and needs some help. It's gut-wrenching to do it on your own, but seems like that's the way things work these days - even if you go to the vet. I think the vet is good for fecal samples so you know exactly what you are dealing with and they will do that even if they are not "chicken" vets. Most chicken meds are goat/cattle labeled. I also like Twin City Poultry for supplies and they will try to help you do what is best for your animals.

Injured chicken, not eating...

I have been feeding her puree watermelon and pedialyte for the last couple of days and applying preparation H on the wounds.
The past two days I did baby oatmeal cereal in the syringe, just dropping it in her beak once it was a little stronger and no longer crooked.
Today she is pecking at the food (her depth perception is off and she gets discouraged quickly) and she is even opening the eye where the bite was.
Looks like the possum had her face instead of her neck and that's what saved her. I think (and pray) that even her eye will be healed.
Culling is only the final option for me and that is after I've exhausted every other opportunity - and even myself. :)
If it's true that how we are angels to animals then I know that my angel will go to extreme lengths for me when needed. :)

These photos are of her just 24 hours after the attack. Not much blood just a super messed up beak and eye. This is a video of her today...(watermelon juice is what is on her breast area not blood)
I had the same thing happen a month and a half ago with the same injury. I actually just posted a question about it. :) My hen did fine. I cleaned the eye area with saline and used antibiotic ointment and antibiotics. She scabbed over and didn't eat or drink much for about a month. The scab lifted last week and she's back to acting normal. Though she looks like Harvey Dent. ;)

Maybe others will have better suggestions. I winged it. I think keep her separated for sure and let her rest.
Update on Wonder Woman after possum attack...
She is doing much better, but her eye is very cloudy.
She kind of closed it when I was filming so I think she may be able to see a little?
.Hi there, I'm new to this so I hope it helps. 2 nights ago my little munchkin shes about 9 weeks old was attacked by a rat. My mini fox terrier alerted us to the situation and chased it off but my hubby retrieved her. She was bleeding from the ear area and under the neck area as the ***&^%$ rat had her by the neck. She was in shock and barely moving so I stopped the bleeding by applying a bit of pressure and diluted some betadine (iodine) for infection and cleaned her wounds. My hubby wanted to cull her but I wrapped her up in an old towel and kept her close and had an all night vigil with her close to my chest. Sounds cheesey I know!
I have her isolated in the "hospital brooder box" but she is now standing on her own and eating and drinking small amounts but it did take about 24hrs. She is also pooing normally. I gave her a tiny bit of aspirin (the one that dissolves) for pain relief as her eye was swollen over. But aspirin thins the blood in humans so I assumed the same with chooks so I only did this once the wounds had stopped bleeding and dried. 24hrs to make sure.I have also added a purple crystal (potassium permanganate) to her water that was recommended by the local chook lady here and she has pepped up. I have used the purple crystal before when one of the other girls had runny poos and it worked a treat. I was also told to try a warm epsom salt bath but haven't tried that as not needed. I am keeping her isolated for rest. Wish you all the best XO
Not the clearest pic but she has suffered main damage to the eye, cheek, under beak neck area.
Troppo Chick - so glad you saved yours too!
Was it a big rat or that's a small chick?
It's good to know the rats will do this because I do have bantams too.
Rats also, but since my husband shot one they are all staying away in the daylight now.
And staying out of that one area, but have moved to the big chicken coop.

What are you going to do to get rid of the rats?

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