


Crossing the Road
14 Years
Sep 19, 2009
Holts Summit, Missouri
I just found on ground the memory card I lost to a game camera in the barn.



Two groups of juvenile chickens roosting very close to ground in pens. One group is in pen camera mounted to and other in pen where opossum appears to be on the other side barn. Live traps baited and armed at both locations.
This is not the same Opossum shown above. I saw him possibly in proceeding nights but he moved to fast for firm ID using images. Also had a GHO overnight and a Red Fox about 30 minutes ago.

We have a fence issue; dead short. Insulator in NW corner failed causing a 20' length to come into contact with the cane break. Dogs being out of action due to fireworks not helping.
The little sucker came out and took bait just as my son and I left house to check. It must have been literally hiding under out feet as we poked around bushes trying to find carcass by smell. We could smell but wind to strong to locate. Images show boy and I leaving house in distance for barn just as Opossum appears and literally runs of with the bait. I have never seen a Opossum move a prey item so far or fast.

We are setup and ready to go. Two traps are set on opposing ends of main walkway in barn. Single camera that still operates in dark has been positioned to observe both traps with trap most likely to get the little guy closest to camera. Upon capture, to shame him, we will name him.
We have a problem. Note time stamps. This for the record book for me, four predators in one night, not just a family of raccoons.

Little Opossum buddy we are trying catch. He could not figure out how to get into trap.

Big Opossum buddy to be dispatched ASAP. Much larger than little buddy above.

GHO walking around on ground eating my frogs. Mice OK. Deer netting.

Red Fox means my dog must get back into the game. Fireworks need to stop. I am going to try and kill this sucker because he knows how to beat my outer hotwire perimeter. It comes in at same time every day. Wiil try to get it with a 0.22 rifle.
Third pic down...is that an owl sitting there to the left??

We have a red fox around here that finds a way to slaughter my neighbor's new flock every spring (he has every defense besides hot wire). It will still occasionally make a visit through my property to see if my electric fence is still working. I spent 18 mornings last spring getting up at the crack of dawn to shoot that sucker and every time he eluded me or conveniently positioned himself in a direction I couldn't shoot in. They are so hard to shoot because they move so damn quick. Good luck, I really hope you get that sucker!
We are setup for action now. Hope to catch both Opossums by midnight, weather visit of young GHO, then position myself on a latter high up in barn with single shot light rifle. I added a heat lamp to make so I can see at 0400 to get that one shot off. I moved some pens to funnel fox past an alarm chicken placed in a live- trap. The game stag used as bait will alert me to fox coming in. Odds are fox will just walk by it. Another thing is urinated directly on path fox must take while entering barn. Yes, I am a disgusting jerk. Fox will not be swayed by that. Real problem is wind all wrong. Wind blows through barn carrying my sent out opening fox comes in. I bet it still comes in.


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