Oprah at the beef packing plant-Feb 1

Didn't watch the show right?

I didn't watch it myself, but I will try to catch a rerun since everyone is expressing that it was fair coverage of both sides. I'd like to have an opinion based on what actually went on. (P.s. - I'll never be vegan, but I do LOVE those mushroom burgers that have at BJs!)
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The day I care what Oprah says won't ever be. I detest everything that woman stands for--everything may be too strong as no one is pure evil.
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LOL....yes, there was torture going on yesterday during cattle chores during the blizzard and the -20 windchill and this morning when the temp was -2 and the windchill was even worse than yesterday.....but it was torture for me and the hubby!!!!

I do think that most of the group of people who think that we farmers torture our animals wouldn't even think about sticking their little toe outside in this kind of weather and spending the amount of time and money on them that we do.

Seriously tho I did find the show presented a much more unbiased view than I thought it would. Will the plant video put some people off?....probably so, but so would video of a grass raised steer that was born and butchered on the same farm or ranch. Some people just can't handle what the act of butchering really is. I think the facility should be commended for letting them film the process.

I didn't care for the vegan, Kathy Freston......but I came away with a better view of Pollen than I had before.

Seedcorn...I don't care for Oprah much either, but we need to face the fact that a lot of people do and we need to hope she at least tries to show an unbiased viewpoint on ag issues which affect us and I thought she did yesterday. If you get a chance, watch the show....I don't think you'll agree with everything...neither did I, but at least then you'll see for yourself.
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I think the american people do need to suck it up and witness it! They may say they can't handle it, but with the video games and movies they watch and PAY for... geez, YUCK!
Should make it manditory if they purchase one of those video games, as brash as they are, they should also have to see how a cow & chickens are prepared for market!
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If you get a chance, watch the show

Won't happen, EVER. Yes, I'm bull headed on some things. I wouldn't mind watching the segment (for understanding their beliefs) but want Oprah cut out (her views).

There are some people who's views on life, I couldn't disagree with more. I have problems with BOTH extremes & do not want them to prosper, so I will not participate.​
Won't happen, EVER. Yes, I'm bull headed on some things. I wouldn't mind watching the segment (for understanding their beliefs) but want Oprah cut out (her views).

There are some people who's views on life, I couldn't disagree with more. I have problems with BOTH extremes & do not want them to prosper, so I will not participate.

You can't possibly be more bull-headed than I am......just ask my husband!!

You know how I feel about agriculture and how I feel about people who make judgments on us from very biased and often times false information. I think we need to see the info that they're seeing.....how else can we rebut the info if we're unwilling to see it. I prefer to see it first hand rather than rely on what someone else said.
how else can we rebut the info if we're unwilling to see it. I prefer to see it first hand rather than rely on what someone else said.

I understand this but I will not watch Oprah. If someone wants to state their beliefs based on what Oprah thinks, then I have no basis to discuss anything with them. If they want to discuss animal husbandry, then we have a basis to start. Oprah will not prosper because of me. Now I need a shower for even being involved in this discussion with mention of her.​
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I understand this but I will not watch Oprah. If someone wants to state their beliefs based on what Oprah thinks, then I have no basis to discuss anything with them. If they want to discuss animal husbandry, then we have a basis to start. Oprah will not prosper because of me. Now I need a shower for even being involved in this discussion with mention of her.

I don't think it'll make any difference to her if you and I never, ever watch her show again......she'll still be richer than God.

As far as someone stating their beliefs on what Oprah thinks......isn't that the perfect time to have a discussion with them? I really didn't think the video really had anything with what she thinks or doesn't think.....it was just a video of what happens daily in a well run processing facility in Colorado. As I said before I'm sure some people were put off by it, but who knows, maybe a few people actually saw that all processing facilties aren't the horrors that they've been led to believe. I'm happy to have a positive look at agriculture no matter where it comes from....and all in all I thought the video was a positive for us.
Well if it helps you to watch her, just start the part of the Cargill factory with this news reporter, it is not Oprah that is doing the tour. Once the clip is done, you can change the channel and you don't have to hear with Oprah has to say.

Oprah has good and bad points. I used to watch her but not anymore in the last five years, it was boring!
I understand this but I will not watch Oprah. If someone wants to state their beliefs based on what Oprah thinks, then I have no basis to discuss anything with them. If they want to discuss animal husbandry, then we have a basis to start. Oprah will not prosper because of me. Now I need a shower for even being involved in this discussion with mention of her.

Yeah there are alot of shows I don't watch like Beck,people who watch him tell me the funniest things.

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