Optimism is....

These are all so good!

I have had the same or similar thoughts and hopes,.. well all except the one about teaching someone to butcher a chicken,..
BUT DH is hoping to teach me!
optimism is putting a rooster for free an craigslist cause "you never know who may be wanting an ugly cock that attacks your feet"

optimism is: "We already have ______ (fill in blank) animals what's ____ (fill in blank) more?
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... waiting until 9pm before informing your hubby that today is your B-day, Anniversary, Valentines... etc.

So far haven't had to remind him... some time along about 6 you hear a random OH CRAP and then the truck peeling out of the drive...
Optimism is thinking your Guineas won't fly off too far because you made such a nice safe nesting area especially for them.

Thinking duck eggs will sell as well as chicken eggs because they're hard to find in grocery stores, and soooooo tasty!

Every incubated egg will hatch, every time!
Optimism is "Hey honey let's just go to the farmer's market and LOOK at the chickens. So we can see what breeds we want someday."

Optimism is sheep.

Optimism is putting all your ducks on your backseat of your newly cleaned car because "it's only a short drive".

Optimism is asking anybody but yourself to do a farm chore.

Optimism is that feral horse will really like YOU, no really - it hated and kicked everyone else - but you? You have that special something. Yes.. you will be fine......

Optimism is "I am buying these birds for your mother!!!"

Optimism is when my husband says "No."

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