Orange Tabby...He Stays and His Name is Finn (Update with Videos Dec 31)

Wow, so much going on in Finn’s World!

Oooh, dem some scary teeth … Fear the Finn! lol

Love the “walk five steps, yawn, fall over”. When Chimee was a kitten she would run all around the house and when power drained, just drop. We used to find her in the silliest sleeping places or literally just dropped in the middle of the room:

Granted, she still runs around the house but tends to be more selective in where she sleeps now, something more comfortable

Not sure if I have shared her ‘air bed’ picture in the past .. she loves this spot:

Or this one:

Or this one:

Lots of sleeping goes on in this house!

Tee hee at the window tapping … if you remember, our cats are indoor cats with an outside run so, they sleep on the bed. Well, Chimee sleeps on the bed, Syba doesn’t exactly sleep but more like spends the night trying to push me out of bed!

There is no shutting of the bedroom door because they just sit on the other side, knocking to be let in!

Anyways, if Chimee thinks it is time for a cuddle she gently taps us on the face to wake us up .. no time limit here, apparently 2am, 3am etc are acceptable!

I will swap you a window scratch for a misguided claw in the nose

NorthFLChick lol at ‘Let Me In, I Need to go Back Out Again!’

Peanutsmomma Roux is beautiful!
Finn came in around 5:30 a.m. though at the time, I didn't realize how early it was. I heard DH let him inside, but didn't hear him let him back out because I drifted off to sleep, only to suddenly be awakened through the open window by a vicious cat fight, screaming and squalling. I yelled to DH, "CAT FIGHT! GET FINN!". He was out the door in a flash.

I stumbled to get my glasses on and ran out to find him out on the driveway turnaround calling to Finn. I heard Finn meowing but neither of us could see him. DH says, "He's right here, but I can't see him". I say maybe he's under the car, but he says no, he's right here somewhere. So he is going around and around the two huge oaks that are in the middle of the turnaround, I get him the flashlight and he even looks up the tree several times, doesn't see Finn but we both hear him calling to us.

Finally, he shines the light much further up the tree and sees Finn up about 15'. I say I think something must have chased him up there, or why would he be up so high? He tries and tries to get Finn to come down, finally going to the backyard to get the extra long extension ladder and he goes up but Finn climbs even higher, so DH comes down, not being able to safely go up that high. I have an idea and run get his food bag and rattle it and Finn finally shows signs of getting antsy to come down. Then, DH shouts, "There's another cat up there! And it's higher than Finn is!" As soon as his spotlight hits that gray tabby, it's scrambling down the tree and shoots off like a bullet out of a gun.

Finn finally attempts to come down slowly, then suddenly, about 8-10' from the ground, he fell. I heard the thud and he is trotting off to the side of the driveway. DH went after him and brought him in to check him over. He has no wounds that we can see and he seems okay. I just hope he doesn't have any internal injuries from the fall. Apparently, when DH let him back out, he found the other cat on the property, fought with it and chased it all the way up that oak tree, defending his territory. We had seen that cat once running across the road in front of us near the house.

I saw when I went out that DH had grabbed my Louisville Slugger Little League bat (predator weapon) from where it hangs beside my kitchen door as he ran out to rescue Finn from whatever it was. He told me he heard me yell cat fight and when he was out the door, all holy hello was breaking loose so he thought something was killing Finn. He was afraid he would be picking up pieces of our cat. Funny how attached he's become to the Finn-Cat, isn't it?

Finn is walking slower but he seems okay, no broken bones that I can discern. He was probably just all "adrenalized" from the fight because he's come down trees successfully plenty of times before, just not quite that high up.
Oh my goodness!! What a way to start your Saturday morning! I am so happy that Finn is okay. Could you tell if he landed on his feet or was it too dark to tell? The reason I am asking is that I have seen our Roux jump down from the eave of our house (8.5'), land on his feet and keep on trucking.

Finn deserves some extra loving and a special meal today.
Oh my goodness!! What a way to start your Saturday morning! I am so happy that Finn is okay. Could you tell if he landed on his feet or was it too dark to tell? The reason I am asking is that I have seen our Roux jump down from the eave of our house (8.5'), land on his feet and keep on trucking.

Finn deserves some extra loving and a special meal today.

Tom said he didn't land on his feet, but it was very dark, certainly. I only heard the thud-he came down on the opposite side of the tree from my vantage point and the flood lights don't really shine well there. He seems perfectly fine now. I was holding Nugget in my lap after giving her a Colace pill for her failing doughy crop (she isn't doing well at all, crop indicative of system shutdown in this case) and syringing water in her mouth and Finn came up, rolled on the ground as usual. Will watch him if I can see him. He's out and about as usual this morning.
Good, I am so glad to hear that Finn is acting normal. It is all in a cat's days work!

Thanks for the Nugget update, I was about to send a PM to ask about her. I will also put the Colace tip in my chicken file. Do you crush the pill or dissolve it in water? I can pill a cat but I have never pilled a chicken.

Sending prayers for Nugget.
Good, I am so glad to hear that Finn is acting normal. It is all in a cat's days work!

Thanks for the Nugget update, I was about to send a PM to ask about her. I will also put the Colace tip in my chicken file. Do you crush the pill or dissolve it in water? I can pill a cat but I have never pilled a chicken.

Sending prayers for Nugget.

We just open her beak and pop it in, syringing water before and after since she really isn't drinking. The not drinking is contributing to her crop issue. She just stands around. Had to remove her from the coop because Dusty started beating her up so she spent yesterday and all night in Zane's cage. This morning, DH said both Xander and Dusty were beating on her when he let them all out together so he put the bad birds back in their pen and Nugget is in the broody cage below since those chicks are living in a different coop now. Makes it easier for her to see things and be close to her coop mates without being hurt. I've found that if one is seriously ill, they either are picked on or taken care of, depending on rank. Sometimes one picks on them, another watches over them.

I was surprised at Xander, but I suspect that he was actually trying to mate her, having been away from her for 24 hours, and it just appeared he was trying to gang up on her with Dusty. Poor little rooster started with four big beautiful Orpington hens and now, he'll be down to just one when Nugget passes on. I am sad that for the first time since my very first chicks, I'll be without a Golden Girl in my flock.

ETA: No idea where Finn went off to, maybe on the trail of that nasty interloper.
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You are probably right about Xander. The same thing happened when I took Peanut out for some fresh air the day before she passed. She laid down in the grass to watch everyone and before I knew it Little Man was on her. In his little bantam teenage rooster mind she was just laying there for him to mount her.

My heart aches for you regarding Nugget. I just hope that Rex and Serena come to get her soon before she gets too much worse.
Oh gosh that is a terrifying thing to hear just went through it with Theo and Angel against orange tabby a few weeks back if you remember. Makes you sit straight upin bed.

I'm sure Finn is okay....he'll be sore probably. Poor boy..good kitty though.
Wow, so much going on in Finn’s World!

Oooh, dem some scary teeth … Fear the Finn! lol

Love the “walk five steps, yawn, fall over”. When Chimee was a kitten she would run all around the house and when power drained, just drop. We used to find her in the silliest sleeping places or literally just dropped in the middle of the room:

Granted, she still runs around the house but tends to be more selective in where she sleeps now, something more comfortable

Not sure if I have shared her ‘air bed’ picture in the past .. she loves this spot:

Or this one:

Or this one:

Lots of sleeping goes on in this house!

Tee hee at the window tapping … if you remember, our cats are indoor cats with an outside run so, they sleep on the bed. Well, Chimee sleeps on the bed, Syba doesn’t exactly sleep but more like spends the night trying to push me out of bed!

There is no shutting of the bedroom door because they just sit on the other side, knocking to be let in!

Anyways, if Chimee thinks it is time for a cuddle she gently taps us on the face to wake us up .. no time limit here, apparently 2am, 3am etc are acceptable!

I will swap you a window scratch for a misguided claw in the nose

NorthFLChick lol at ‘Let Me In, I Need to go Back Out Again!’

Peanutsmomma Roux is beautiful!

Thanks Teila! Roux is quite the man cat, just like Finn. If I didn't know better I would think they are litter mates.

Your little girl cat is precious. Don't you wish you could get that comfortable when you are sleeping?

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