Orange Tabby...He Stays and His Name is Finn (Update with Videos Dec 31)

Ok, I won't tell. But if I see a likely one walking down the road, I'll send him your way!

Anybody but me love "Simon's Cat"? He always nails it!

Omigosh, yes! He's a hoot...and he's FINN.
He's being a royal PAIN! He wants in in the middle of the night. Then out, then in, then out, then in. Then he sleeps a good bit of the day with bleary eyed us walking around like zombies.

Ok, this is just about the funniest thing I have seen all week! Just this morning I almost lost it with Roux because he was having a moment of indecision at the back door. Some days it doesn't bother me but this morning it really made me crazy.
I love Simon’s Cat!!

This one is definitely our Syba:

And this one is Chimee:

I believe I have mentioned in the past that Syba is obsessed with hubby? Follows him everywhere, heels like a dog. I believe I have also mentioned that when hubby got back from being away last time I told him “next time you go away you are either taking me or Syba with you .. you are not leaving me home alone with him again!”

Well, hubby is away at the moment. Leading up to this trip I kept jokingly saying to Syba "have you got your little suitcase packed, you are going on a holiday with Dad". Maybe I should not have been joking … Syba has woken me up at 4am most mornings howling in the hallway ‘where is my dad!’; he keeps giving me dirty looks ‘what have you done with him?!’. Syba does not usually sleep on the bed but has also spent time trying to push me out of bed during the night ‘go look for him!’. I was watching a movie the other night and Syba jumped onto the remote, hit a button and killed the picture .. took me ages to work out which button he had hit and how to get the picture back!

Anyways, hubby comes home tonight .. what is the bet that after acting up all week, Syba ignores him as payback for leaving him? lol
I love Simon’s Cat!!

This one is definitely our Syba:

And this one is Chimee:

I believe I have mentioned in the past that Syba is obsessed with hubby? Follows him everywhere, heels like a dog. I believe I have also mentioned that when hubby got back from being away last time I told him “next time you go away you are either taking me or Syba with you .. you are not leaving me home alone with him again!”

Well, hubby is away at the moment. Leading up to this trip I kept jokingly saying to Syba "have you got your little suitcase packed, you are going on a holiday with Dad". Maybe I should not have been joking … Syba has woken me up at 4am most mornings howling in the hallway ‘where is my dad!’; he keeps giving me dirty looks ‘what have you done with him?!’. Syba does not usually sleep on the bed but has also spent time trying to push me out of bed during the night ‘go look for him!’. I was watching a movie the other night and Syba jumped onto the remote, hit a button and killed the picture .. took me ages to work out which button he had hit and how to get the picture back!

Anyways, hubby comes home tonight .. what is the bet that after acting up all week, Syba ignores him as payback for leaving him? lol
Oh, dear, you really must read "In Private Life" by Barbara Holland. It was originally titled "Mother's Day, or the View from In Here". I read it over and over again and when I finally decided to get my own copy, I could not find it. I wrote the author and got a personal note back from her telling me the title change and where to find it. She has since passed away from lung cancer, but oh, my, her cat named Boy is a wonderful sub-story in there that goes throughout the book. I still love that book and re-read it from time to time. It's probably my favorite, ever. It is definitely a good read for a cat person or really, anyone who ever felt she was drowning in kids and animals. One of the stories was when she had to go into the hospital with pneumonia and when she got back, Boy refused to acknowledge her. He had not groomed himself the entire time she was gone but upon her return, he groomed himself from head to toe, I think it took two hours or something like that. You'll love it, I bet.
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Poor little guy, he's tuckered out! Ah, a cat is good.
Aha, caught in the act and documented on film! Has Finn caught her doing it yet?

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