Orange Tabby...He Stays and His Name is Finn (Update with Videos Dec 31)

Awoken at 4:25 a.m. to Finn growling outside my bedroom window. Jumped up and told DH who was in the livingroom (he was sick last night, something he ate, I think). He ran outside to see a very whitish cat run and jump off the deck and run down the driveway and pause. Finn ran down the steps, shot down the driveway after it, hot on its trail. He didn't come back for about two hours, came in, ate a few bites and went back outside. Guess he's making sure that cat doesn't come back.

Rabbits, rabbits everywhere! I see them scatter when I go out in the morning. Coyotes and foxes are feeding young now so I fear for Finn out on his jaunts. I hope he stays as wily and as lucky as he has been. I could not keep him inside for anything. He came to us an outside cat who knows his way around and a litter box is not in his future.
Thanks for the update on Finn Cynthia, funny I thought of him just the other day and hoping all was well. We do love our big boys, don't we :)

My Opie sends his hellos to Finn!
Hope he comes back soon!

We've had a fox hanging around our place. My mom rounded a corner and almost ran into it a few weeks ago and just Sunday it was walking around the chicken run. We had just moved them to a coop the day before and moved the run over so I guess it was testing it?

We've also had a fox try to get in several times last year.

Not sure if or is the same fox or not.
I saw him walk across in front of the grow-out pen midday. I called to him and he wouldn't even look my way. After that, we didn't see him for hours. Finally, DH began calling him and calling him. I went to the storage building/original coop to find a latch for a door and saw him. He was laying in the soft dirt from that old pen that I had stirred up when I removed fencing yesterday. He'd been taking a long, long nap.
I saw him walk across in front of the grow-out pen midday. I called to him and he wouldn't even look my way. After that, we didn't see him for hours. Finally, DH began calling him and calling him. I went to the storage building/original coop to find a latch for a door and saw him. He was laying in the soft dirt from that old pen that I had stirred up when I removed fencing yesterday. He'd been taking a long, long nap.

He was probably wore out from fighting off the invader cats all night. I'd say he earned a nap :D
I saw him walk across in front of the grow-out pen midday. I called to him and he wouldn't even look my way. After that, we didn't see him for hours. Finally, DH began calling him and calling him. I went to the storage building/original coop to find a latch for a door and saw him. He was laying in the soft dirt from that old pen that I had stirred up when I removed fencing yesterday. He'd been taking a long, long nap.

Awww how adorable!

He was probably wore out from fighting off the invader cats all night. I'd say he earned a nap :D

Lol agreed!
He was probably wore out from fighting off the invader cats all night. I'd say he earned a nap :D

Could be. DH said he heard another cat far off in the distance when he was in the middle of watching Finn and this other cat on our deck. I never heard any actual fighting, just Finn growl ominously. The elderly woman who lives across from my driveway and has one semi-feral, very ugly cat her relatives dumped on her, said she thought someone had dumped a bunch of cats recently. Apparently, one came into her house through her fat little Boston Terrier's pet door. She could be right, considering how many strange cats I've seen around here lately.
Poor Finn. He brought a mouse up in front of the coops to play with before he ate it. Hector, my BR rooster, came trotting over with his girls and was giving the cat the side-eye. Then, he swooped in, grabbed the mouse, beat it and broke its back and gave it to his hens. Thief!

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