Orange Tabby...He Stays and His Name is Finn (Update with Videos Dec 31)

Last night we had a terrible storm, 60 mph winds, sounded like we were in the middle of a hurricane. Finn was petrified. He kept trying to hide. And he'd yowl at the top of his lungs. Our power went out for a few hours. I never knew cats were vocal with fear like that, but he sure is. And he begs for your food like every dog we've ever had. He likes oyster crackers. Ask how I know (not me. I do not give in to the Finn!).
Finn is beautiful.
Sorry about those storms. The thunder is frightening to our animals too.

Thanks, I think he's quite a handsome guy. I've had dogs who were scared of storms, but it never occurred to me that a cat would react that way...hide, yes, but yowl at the top of his lungs? Between that and the weather radio alerts, it was a hairy night!
He still likes his couch.
Sooo cute lol

He's a hot mess! My son is visiting from S. Korea. He met Finn soon after Finn decided to live with us a few years back and hasn't been back since that time. He said, "He's such a good cat! But, I still prefer dogs". Yeah, me, too, but Finn is a very personable cat and probably the very best one that could have shown up and attached himself to Cat-Hater.
He's a hot mess! My son is visiting from S. Korea. He met Finn soon after Finn decided to live with us a few years back and hasn't been back since that time. He said, "He's such a good cat! But, I still prefer dogs". Yeah, me, too, but Finn is a very personable cat and probably the very best one that could have shown up and attached himself to Cat-Hater.

Aw wow that is awesome!!! He sure sounds like a great cat.

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