Ordered 25 Chicks from Hoover's have some ?


8 Years
Nov 16, 2011
Eastern NY
Hi, I just ordered 10 Barred Rocks 10 Americana Aka Easter Eggers and 5 Black Sex Links, I am splitting this order with two other friends.

Are these decent birds that I have ordered?

How is Hoover's? They had birds in stock and had the best prices.

Any tips on taking care of them and keeping them alive?

Any advice on feed and supplies plus general care would be helpful Thanks alot.
When they arrive mix a little sugar in the water, keep it room temp for the first few days. You can also add in a few drops of Apple Cider Vigegar (ACV) to give the tummies a good start.

I always used quick chick and grow Gel to get them off to a good start since they have such a hard trip getting out here.
I picked up the light today along with medicated crumble and a thermometer, I also got Little feeders and water dish,I have a decent size box that is quite tall Ill get it set up and test the temp. I am going to try and do my best, I have some older chickens now figured it would be good for the kids to see them from babys an itll feel good knowing I raised them from babies also.
My parent's say using a round container to house the chicks is best. Or put paperboard in the container to create round corners. If the container is square the chicks pile up on each other and the birds on the bottom suffocate.
I live in California and bought 25 chicks from them last week. They arrived the day after the ship out date. Out of the 27 that they sent only 1 died (two days later). They even color-marked the chicks and included a page explaining which chick is what color so you can identify the different breeds! Really great hatchery and will definitely purchase from them again!
I just wish hey had a bigger selection of birds, They have the basics covered though and there is a good chance they will have Birds that you are looking for. The service is great top notch.
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We have Hoover's birds. They are fine chickens. Our neighbor always buys from them because they have had such good luck. We do just food and water when we get new chicks. You do need to make sure each one drinks. You need to stick each beak into the water as soon as you get them. They will be thirsty when you get them. I added a pan of water with rocks in it to give the chicks another place to drink. The rocks keep the chicks from drowning. Good luck with the new chicks

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