ordered a mystery package and was wondering what breed of chicken this could be...


7 Years
Aug 16, 2012
We ordered a mystery package (meaning they could be any breed of any type of poultry) from cackle hatchery that was delivered June 4th making our chickies a little over 10 weeks old. with no list of what we got included, and being new to chickens we werent able to identify any of the chicks!! now that they're a little older I've figured out a couple but we got a like 8 of these chickens and we're very curious of what they are:

as chicks they looked had chipmunk coloration, very small, they are the tiniest of the chickens we have(at least we think theyre chickens! haha)

head shot. I think these are of different chickens but they look like the same breed to me. They have 4 toes.

and this is our other littlest chicken. all white with yellow feet . I think she has 4 toes as well.
I'd really appreciate any info so much since I'm really curious. we also split the package with our friend and need to figure out how to split them up!
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cool thanks! reading an online description, it does sound right- they are very active! its funny that when we first got the chicks I looked up the chipmunk coloring and the first one I found was the old english game but then saw there were so many other similar chicks and was overwhelmed!
maybe someone could figure these ones out....

all black one:

these two photos are from the same chicken:

sorry for being a little greedy! I've just been trying to figure these out for months haha...it has been fun having all sorts of types and see them mysteriously change as they grow up !
ahh, so the last one, selink, is a rooster?
no thats 100% pullet. red sex link males are white with red on the wings and across the back and the pullets are red with white

heres a rooster

and a hen
awesome! we really lucked out with a largee majority of hens. I have two chicks that I thought looked a lot like blue laced wyandotte, but they both have puffy cheeks, would this be a dead give-away that they are easter eggers?
I don't think the last one is a sex link I have two chickens that look like that and they are not sexlinks because when I bought mine I bought a red sexlink along side of them.
There are MANY different kinds of red sex links...and their coloring can vary from straight light red to red/white mix to almost pure white....I currently have a hen that look EXACTLY like that last one and she is a second generation red sex link (Partridge Rock roo over RSL hen).

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