Ordered from Murray McMurray. When should they arrive??

I bought my last order of 75 from McMurray, 3rd time I've ordered from them. Now they're not the cheapest out there but I'll stick with them, service has been great. They shipped mine Friday about 5pm, I got them Sunday at 7am. PO called me at 6:30am to tell me they just came off the plane and were chirping like crazy. 100% arrived safe. In 9 weeks I've lost 3 to a few bullies that like to pick on the others, found who they were and they're in a time out camp. The other 72 are happy.
We just received our McMurray chicks last weekend. I wasn't expecting them (after talking to the post office and a local feed store) until Monday at the earliest. On Sunday morning I received an email saying they had shipped........so figuring when the email was sent and knowing they were going from Iowa to Maryland, I again figured on Monday at the earliest. Sunday morning around 11 am, just as we were getting ready to go to breakfast for Father's Day, I got the call. The main branch of the post office in our area was calling to let me know there was a box of chicks and I needed to come get them. I couldn't believe it!!
We had everything we needed for the most part but I hadn't really gotten the brooder box ready....thinking I had all day to do it before they came. Needless to say, my husband (such a trooper) stayed home and got everything ready while the girls and I went to collect our babies!!
They had apparently hatched on Friday and must have shipped no later than first thing Saturday. Email a little late I guess. Everything came together great and all of them have done really well. We love them soo much already!!

I posted pics on my page, take a look!!
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I believe their site says that if the shipping date falls on a federal holiday, they ship early so that it will arrive before the holiday. Unless you're relatively close to the hatchery or drop shipper (they do drop ship some birds), you're likely to get them on Monday morning. Some post offices will call on Sunday for pickups, but they seem to be the smaller, more rural offices.
The chicks are here!! I got a call 5:00am this morning that they were in Grand Rapids (which is the main sorter of mail for our local post office). They are going great. Eating and drinking and running around. We could not be happier.
Oh good!!!
Glad they made it to you safely and are doing well.
What did you order?

We ordered Buff Orpingtons, Dominiques, Aracaunas/Easter Eggers, Light Brahma's, Silver Laced Wyandottes, Buff Laced Polish and White Crested Black Polish. We ordered the minimum of 25 and received 27. I know for sure one of the extras is another White Crested Black Polish and the other I think after doing some figuring is a Dark Brahma. Maybe but not sure. It doesn't matter because I love them all!!

Post some pics soon....would love to see them!!
I ordered mine from MM three eeks ago and set them to arrive yesterday on the 16th. I'm really starting to worry since the post office is already closed and they didn't make it there today. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for tomorrow though. I have a 4 and a 5 year old who will be devastated if we have to bury them as soon as they get here
I'm going to try to call tomorrow, but does anyone know if they update your acount to let you know when they ship? I saw a few people say they recieved e-mails.

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