ordering mail order chicks


In the Brooder
May 11, 2015
I have a question, please help

I ordered from a place online and even paid extra to have them sexed since I cant have roosters. Ok, so I found out they actually get their chicks from Meyer Hatchery and as I looked up Meyer's website they only offer straight run, so how is it the place I ordered from and paid extra make this service offer yet Meyers only sale straight runs and don't give such options
If you're talking about My Pet Chicken, they do sell sexed bantams, but bantams are hard to sex. I don't doubt they try to sex them but they are so small it doesn't really work well. If you ordered a good size quantity of bantams chances are good you're getting a couple roosters due to sexing errors. Even large fowl birds can only be sexed with 90% accuracy.
I have purchased sexed bantam silkies from My Pet Chicken and they were all correctly sexed, I have another order for this year for sexed bantam, they have a 100% guarantee on them.
I have purchased sexed bantam silkies from My Pet Chicken and they were all correctly sexed, I have another order for this year for sexed bantam, they have a 100% guarantee on them.

Glad that worked out for you! Silkies are larger bantams so it's easier to sex them compared to, say, d'uccles. I have also read an account where someone ordered five silkie pullets and got three cockerels and two pullets, so I think it varies.
Thank you for the reassurance. I have an order of bantams coming in for April and reviews had me worried, though they were older reviews. I was hoping they were much better than pass and service was improving. Can't wait! Hopefully they all make it just fine! I like the fertile eggs traveling better than poor baby chicks being tossed around, poor babies
Glad that worked out for you! Silkies are larger bantams so it's easier to sex them compared to, say, d'uccles. I have also read an account where someone ordered five silkie pullets and got three cockerels and two pullets, so I think it varies.
We shall find out, I have three d'uccles ordered as well as three bantam cochins, all hens. I have faith in My Pet Chicken, I have never had an incorrectly sex bird from them.
We shall find out, I have three d'uccles ordered as well as three bantam cochins, all hens. I have faith in My Pet Chicken, I have never had an incorrectly sex bird from them.

Good luck! I hope them get them all right for you. I've ordered from Meyer before and never been disappointed, but I didn't try the sexed bantams from MPC.
To the OP: please clarify if you ordered hatching eggs or live baby chicks. While it's possible to sex live baby chicks at the hatchery, it isn't possible to sex hatching eggs. That might account for why Meyer only offers straight run if they're actually just hatching eggs.

I ordered from MyPetChicken twice this past several months, and Meyer did a horrible job of sexing the chicks, resulting in three unwanted roosters.

By the way, MPC is a middleman that contracts with numerous Amish chicken breeders for hatching eggs, and they rent brooder and hatching space at Meyer Hatchery in Ohio where Meyer incubates the eggs for them. Myer does the sexing of the chicks, and they're the ones who got my orders so messed up. As delightful as MPC customer service is, I won't order from them again due to the sexing problems they dumped on me.

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